September 19

Queen of Cups: Hearing Through Your Heart


Sometimes, I’ll pull cards for a forecast and immediately ask myself THAT question. Like this week.

“Are these cards really for the forecast? Or are they for me?”

I know it’s a silly question in practical terms. There is no meaningful distinction between the two.

Looking for signs or messages is akin to studying a piece of art. You may be appreciating the very same work thousands or even hundreds of thousands have before you. But whatever you take home from the experience will be personal to you.

Intuition will surface through whatever cracks we allow. Messages don’t require a single, specific address on the envelope to reach the intended destination.

 The Universe is a multi-tasker.

Thus, I find it very instructive to listen to myself handing out advice. If I hear the same words coming out of my mouth at least three times in a short period, I take note. I also realize it’s probably something others could benefit from considering as well.

“Accept how you feel. Don’t judge it. Don’t fight it. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Feeling crummy doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It will come and go. So just do the best you can with it, be kind to yourself through it all, and love yourself anyway.”

That line of thinking is likely to make next week a whole lot easier to manage. Just sayin.’

Next Week in Tarot

Outlook next week is the Queen of Cups (Water) with advice as the reversed Page of Cups (again, Water), pictured here from the Good Tarot deck.

I hear on very good authority that the Page of Cups in making frequent appearances in Tarot readings near you. He’s evidently the flavor of the day.

I expect the next week to feel a little like therapy–waves in and out with plenty of processing in between.  Sometimes the feelings will be intense, with potential for bittersweet.

The emotional flux is giving me the image of a ship pitching back and forth in choppy water. The reversed Page of Cups is often emotionally over-saturated. He may be waterlogged and possibly in need of a nap.  And that’s okay. Naps are our friends.

Accept whatever feelings you’ve got on deck. The feelings may form the character of a given moment, but they are not forever-feelings. The tide may indeed be in right now, but it always rolls back out. There are no exceptions to this rule.

So breathe. Take a step back. Soften the edges and be gentle with both yourself and everybody else. Just do the best you can with what you’ve got. Allow the necessary space for any emotional choppiness to settle down, so you can once again hear the voice of your heart more clearly. It will come.

You won’t  be able to see your way ahead–but you’ll feel it. It’s just a matter of settling the internal din.

As much as possible, also make this a week of listening to your body and giving it what it asks for. Eat when you’re hungry. Sleep when you’re tired. Fill your own cup first.

Beyond that, also pay heed to what you are feeding your mind. Your mood will instruct here. If you’re absorbing vitriol, the topic or objective truthfulness of the details is irrelevant. It will make you sick just the same. And if you’re wrapping yourself up in love no matter what the specifics, it will heal you just the same.

Take care, friends.

And if you want some help feeling your way forward, give me a ping.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Page of Cups, Queen of Cups, The Good Tarot

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