September 11

09/11/11: Emotional Hangover? | Queen of Cups


queen-of-cups-tarot-meaningI love my Cancer friends. They have ginormous hearts! They are sweet and kind and touchingly protective of their tribe. Few things are as moving as a Cancer’s love. There’s a purity that’s fierce.

There are times, though, when I see emotional squishiness costs in terms of clarity. Once the emotion starts flowing freely, it’s pretty easy to wind up drunk before you know what hit you. The line blurs between reality and imagination; emotions take on a life of their own and you’d best find yourself a designated driver when the full force kicks in. (Look for some Earth energy.)

Today’s Tarot is the Queen of Cups or Queen of the Thrones of the Water, associated with Water in Water (or Cancer, as Cardinal Water). She’s a very watery lady, this queen! I sometimes see her in reference to therapy, introspection, sentimentality, intuitive work, or just flat out emotionality. This version from the Housewives Tarot is clearly not on her first drink, you know?

The Queen of Cups reminds us to take stock of our emotions. What’s in that drink, anyway? And how much have you had? Just enough to relax, with a free flow of feeling, or so much as to secure a killer hangover? You may not have been counting the drinks, but the tab always comes due. So while it’s easy enough to get lost in the fog for better or worse, stopping to ground and reassess regularly will help prevent reveler’s remorse later.

Do you relate to the Queen of Cups?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Cancer, Housewives Tarot, Queen of Cups, Tarot Court, Tarot Cups, Tarot Queens, Water Element

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  1. “Hello my name is Tracie, I’m a Cancer and I’m an Emotional Alcholoic” the group would respond with “Hi Tracie”. This is what I would say if there was EAA; Emotional Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Do I relate to the Queen of Cups? I AM THE F&#%ING QUEEN OF CUPS. I’m also my own bartender, I specialize in Emotional Mojitos. In a tall glass put; a very small amount of reality, sugar for sweetness, mint leaf for fresh breath & color (I love green), fill to the top with imagination then muddle briskly – bottoms up ma’am. I’ve been heavily drinking this concoction for quite some time now. Maybe this is why I don’t leave my house very often – there’s no designated driver available for emotional drunks.

    I’d love to find the EAA Out-Patient Clinic. I don’t know what kind of therapy they practice but the first step I’d have to take is admit I’m an Emotional Alcoholic – not sure I’m ready just yet, reality isn’t my strongest emotion. I’ll think about that tomorrow because I have to go to the store now – I’m out of mint leaves.

    Dixie, thanks for at least putting a pretty frame on the mirror ((((D))))

  2. This has always been my card, as you know. But I think I am starting to see the downside of her too and starting to learn how to manage it.

  3. lost comment from sofie –
    I did have a little too much the other night and I totally regretted it the next morning. Although for me two glasses of red wine is too much.

    For everyone this morning:

    :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus: :flagus:

    I don’t think I can turn on the tv or radio today.


    from moozie

    Thanks Sofie.
    There is also an emotional tab for not drinking and being emotionally constipated. AUGH just to find balance.

    from Lily

    There certainly is a lot out there, on radio and TV, pushing the emotional buttons. Touching and heart-wrenching stories related to 9/11. Had to turn off the radio yesterday. Going to work again today, so will need to keep my wits about me and not get too lost in the radio sadness on my way there.

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