April 24

04/25/14: Problem is Who? / 9 of Pentacles


9 of Pentacles Meaning

Seeing the Nine of Pentacles as “underlying influences” makes me wonder if we’re all just being too polite to say anything…but beyond that, what’s clear: it’s our job to master the lessons before us, reign in any baser impulses, and rise above to conquer whatever situations are in front of us.

There are two inseparable pieces to today’s puzzle:

  1. The problem is you—or me, whatever.
  2. The upside is that the solution is ALSO you. Or me. Whatever.

See how that works? Ego may not like it, but an awareness of self as the root of a situation gives you every tool you need for resolving it.

Damned mirrors.

But hey, maybe I’m being too grim. The Nine of Pentacles is a card of mastery, accomplishment and ease most of the time. So here, the accolades belong to you, too.

I like those better! Maybe the party is about yours.

Are you seeing yourself underlying current situations?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

[Trimmed and Glittered]

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Nine of Pentacles, Radiant Rider Waite, Underlying Influences

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  1. Tuesday I was woken up by a tiny moth flying around my face. I immediately searched all my books, as usual nothing ever immediately “hits”.

    The same size moth started flying around when I couldn’t sleep last night, also the same time I posted on yesterday’s card at 3:00 a.m. The thing was so close to my mouth at one point I thought I inhaled it. At the time I was focused on the card I didn’t pay too much attention to the moth plus I forgot about the morning moth. Always a good idea to “connect” the messages ya know.

    One of the messages of a moth is to pay attention to what is spoken and also the unspoken, underlying messages in what is heard”what’s not being said”.

    “too polite to say anything” or whatever other reason one doesn’t feel they can say what needs to be said. The good part is there’s an upside. LOVE how the cards are speaking to me

    1. Yeah, when I saw the other comment, I noticed the time. Wouldn’t it be nice of some of these revelations would show up at a decent hour?

      Glad the cards are talking to you!

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