November 13

11/13/12: Cloud of Detachment | Prince of Clouds


Okay. The Zodiac Tarot’s Knight of Swords (or Prince of Clouds, whatever), doesn’t give us a lot to work with visually. I mean, it’s a cloud in a white sky full of clouds, for God’s sakes!

But hey…maybe it kind of does. The Knight of Swords is Air in Air. Cannot get more detached than that…this is a cloud of pure through, rationalization and reason, detached, breezy, idealistic. Not connected to anything or anyone.

The lack of connection is what sometimes gives this Prince his bite. He is an intellectual, an idealistic, and thinker extraordinaire. But he can be flighty, because he’s not grounded, see? Just like clouds can have limited impact until it rains, pure thought can have limited impact until some emotion gets injected into the mix.

Be aware of the detachment—of yourself or someone else. It can be a blessing, or it can just mean someone makes cutting comments without noticing. If you’re the Prince, notice and exercise some self control.  If you’re in the Prince’s company, don’t take what he says too literally. Accept what’s useful and discard what’s not. He would.

Do you feel this Prince’s energy?

Zodiac Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

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Knight of Swords, Zodiac Tarot

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