These cards could be talking directly about my last week. I have been completely rebuilding all my websites from the ground up out of necessity and it’s not my idea of a good time. But in the end, I’ll be a lot better off for facing it. Keep that idea in mind yourself, if you face some struggles this week.
Looking at these cards as a whole, I’m expecting a week of INTENSE. Sorry, kids! Now, I’m glad Mercury is prepping to move forward again (Feb. 11), I’m glad we’re all making progress and all. But doesn’t mean it’s easy. Not saying it’s not ultimately worthwhile, though. Just not easy.
My sincere apologies for those looking for a break, because it looks like a “plate overflowth” with plenty of hustle type of week. The good news is I’m liking the higher numbers on the cards. That’s indicative of being at the end of a cycle. Hallelujah! But I am also expecting the possibility of overwhelm. If you’re a crier, pack some tissue, man. May come in handy.
Monday, What is Hidden – Knight of Cups: Just how intensely you are feeling is NOT evident to the casual observer. Don’t be saying somebody “should have known” because they just cannot know what’s in your head and your heart today. Be sure you’re on top if it yourself and do realize your feelings are…in motion, okay? Knight energy is fast, and can quickly shift. If you don’t like how you’re feeling, give it a couple of minutes. On the plus side, the right song, artwork, a book or a movie will likely have the power to move your emotional state in short order. Take advantage if you need a boost.
Tuesday, Resolution – Eight of Pentacles: You solve problems one step at a time. Practical, physical, and careful efforts towards the goal are most effective. Whatever you’re trying to master? You’ve no doubt been steadily improving as you go. So don’t look at the time it took to get here as “wasted.” It’s not. Look at is as perfecting your processes.
Wednesday, What to Avoid – Six of Pentacles: Don’t give what you don’t have to give just to be perceived as nice or because you do not know how someone else is going to solve their problems. Don’t lend money you do not have to share. Don’t accept responsibilities you do not have adequate time and energy to fulfill. Be prepared to say “no” today. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is express faith in others to figure out their own lives.
Thursday, Present – Judgment: Regroup day! It’s appropriate to consider what has been going wrong, but also what has been going right. This is not about blame. It’s about understanding. It helps you know where you’re going, you know? This energy is not a ticket to the guilt trip express. It’s more an opportunity to take a deep breath and consult your map. No recrimination. Just information.
Friday, Blocking or Covering, Knight of Swords Rx: Uh oh. This strikes me as a sharp tongue. Sarcasm may get in the way of achieving your goals today if you’re not conscious or careful. Control your mouth!
Saturday, Clarification – Eight of Wands Rx: Determination you may have been awaiting is imminent. This isn’t the letter or phone call or news itself, but a knowing, it’s not going to be long before now. News is coming.
Sunday, Past Life – Ten of Wands Rx: To me, this strikes as an awareness of times you’ve undertake more than you could manage and had to let it go. Neither good or bad in itself, but instructive, no?
Overview/Advice – Ten of Swords: Ow! To me, this says overwhelm pure and simple. This looks to be a very fast moving week and at times, it’s too much stimulation. While this card can sometimes indicate a betrayal, it does not always. What it does consistently point to, however, is an apex, where whatever it is peaks, maximum capacity. It’s a difficult energy. Your best bet this week is understanding it will probably have “moments” and being prepared with distraction, pleasant activities and arranging to connect with loved ones. Does it make you happy? Indulge in joy to heal any stings.
Affirmation – It is my dominant intent to look for what I want to see. This isn’t a fear-based approach to living. It’s a goal-based approach to living. Of course, you do your work. But as you do, acknowledge progress. And notice the bits and pieces of your dreams materializing in your daily, waking life. That turns it up.
We’ve got this. In some ways, these kinds of weeks are very encouraging to me because when you have this much motion, you also have progress. It can be uncomfortable, stressful and sometimes, upsetting. But it’s with a point! I am more than willing to deal with discomfort, so long as there is a point.
Are you running around with an overflowing plate?
Schedule a session with Dixie.
I’ve got my fingers crossed – whether the news is what I hope for, or the other option, I’m ready to move to phase next.
Fugures…lol. I just cleaned my plate. That’s usually the universe’s cue to fill it back up again
I’m feeling it – I’m exhausted. But I was calm and kind in response to someone, earlier, despite his attempt to poke at me, and he ended up responding in kind, so the 6 of Pentacles was in action today. If only that worked every day. I wish that certain people hadn’t been able to get at me so easily, in the past.
I’m waiting for test results on a family member, and hoping that they don’t have cancer.
Good luck on your test results, Angela.