“Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.” –Earl Nightingale
I’m an “idea person.” I have a lot of them and they are often quite good, if I do say so myself. (And I obviously do!) But I’ve been bitten in the butt a number of times over my ideas, because my excitement blurred the actual amount of real world work and potential complications involved in materializing those ideas. The creative process is not all fun and games, you know.
Today’s Tarot is the Page of Wands (Earth in Fire)—as a page, he represents a young or immature energy and as one of the Tarot Wands, obviously chomping at the bit to get moving! You may see this page to announce news about a job, getting started on a project, or as a reminder you are being a bit immature about getting your way! (He’s not exactly the master of delayed gratification, man.)
Man, this little fellow looks like quite a little pistol, doesn’t he? And he is! He can be fun for sure, but like most spitfire kids, he can also wear you out. There is definitely a time and place for his play.
Enthusiasm and energy are great! They add lifeblood to new enterprise, a passion absolutely essential for getting off the ground. Use it to it’s best advantage, but be sure to back it up with a little plodding, practical earth energy, lest you find yourself focusing exclusively on the sizzle and missing the meat, you know?
Enjoy your passion! It’s fun, invigorating, and unquestionably fuels the creative process. But don’t rely on it to sustain you from start to finish. Instead, take that beginning and build on it. That’s what will actually get you somewhere.
You feeling the Page of Wands?
The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple |
Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.
I always thought I was the Queen of Cups but I guess I’m really the Page of Wands – snort!