June 19

06/20/13: Messenger Dispatched / Page of Swords



Lightening-fast mental leaps, leading your way with the facts and forging ahead with a clear message would all fall under the domain of the Page of Swords. Get your data points outlined and be ready to communicate! Reasoning rules, and the facts will stand on their own if they are clearly represented.

Got a message and clear on what you want to convey? It’s the time to do it. But do remember, while a Page’s ideas are distinct, they are probably not mature. By being open to revision and building upon the initial premises as a result of your communication, and you’ll be ready to grow through the rest of the court cards.

So forge ahead with your message!

You have a message?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

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Page of Swords, Tarot Nova

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