November 24

11/25/13: Messed Up Memo / Page of Pentacles Rx


Princess of PentaclesThe reversed Page of Pentacles isn’t quite getting the message across. Expect a miscommunication, delay or issue with planning. Double-check bullet points to make sure something wasn’t left out or miscommunicated. I don’t see this as a big deal, but more along the lines of a minor snafu related to poor or incomplete information.

This page is normally quite competent, so it’s probably a small detail—or overthinking of small details, perhaps—that is the problem. A second set of eyes, delegation or a break before coming back to your itinerary may be just the ticket for getting things squared away.

Are you having trouble with some plans or a communication issue?

Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens

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Page of Pentacles, Tarot Illuminati

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