May 15

05/15/12: A little attention? | Page of Pentacles



“Wisdom and understanding can only become the possession of individual men by travelling the old road of observation, attention, perseverance, and industry.” Samuel Smiles

Here we have a very soft Page of Pentacles (Earth in Earth)—the flowers in her hair and her demure countenance provides contrast to the usual RWS borderline OCD page. She’s earthy and flowering. And you know, that IS another side of the page.

Tarot Pages, like those of any royal court, often bring messages. When she does, you can bet the message brings practical, real-world application. She’s all about Earth, which means physical manifestation.

No need to obsess! But do know this Princess may indicate to watch for messages—from your body, from your family, or even from your bank account. She pays attention to all aspects of physical life, and therefore implores you to do the same.

Does this Princess-Page have a message for you today?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Page of Pentacles, Tarot Pages

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