November 7

Page of Swords: Pencil it In


I’m pretty much swimming in “transitional phase” right now. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say I’m treading water with an occasional stroke forward,  because that’s more what it feels like.

The changes aren’t fast, but they are comprehensive. I am expecting shifts to impact living situation, finances and family relationships. We’re talking a reset on pretty much everything in my day-to-day existence.

No pressure or anything, Dixie…har!

I’ve got to say, the gradual pace helps tremendously. I have room to process. It takes time and emotional energy to let myself become accustomed to new waters. Kinks get worked out softly.

Staying connected, in sync with myself remains priority one. I stay in the flow most easily when I heed the urges I get instead of fighting them. The body asks for what it needs. Sleep when tired. Eat when hungry. Work when focused. Play when lighthearted. Be nice to yourself!

As your friendly neighborhood Tarotisa, I can also say this whole “transitional phase” thing is going around. Without exception, said transitional phases don’t always feel easy or clear-cut. That doesn’t mean they won’t ultimately enrich and empower us. It just means it may be an “interesting” ride to get there.

In short, we’re sorting through a great big stack of “figuring it out as we go.” Next week’s Tarot reflects this theme, along with advice to navigate it.

Next Week in Tarot

Outlook is heralded by the Messenger of Air (aka Page of Swords) with advice from the 7 of Water reversed (aka Seven of Cups); cards pictured from the ever-so-gentle Good Tarot.

The Page of Swords is forever delivering news or ideas, whether directly or indirectly. He cannot help but communicate–that’s his very nature, whether he is intentional with his message or not. He sometimes bears agreements or contracts as well.

But whatever guise this page takes for you, please remember pages are a youthful energy–news may not be comprehensive. Circumstances are subject to change. Agreements or offers may be lacking important details and require negotiation. Look for what’s not included in the briefing because we’re not to the “sure thing” patch yet.

The reversed Seven of Cups echoes this caution. Facts as presented may ultimately be found tainted or incomplete: confusing, sketchy, distorted by emotional attachments to the outcome. You can keep rolling along for sure, but please don’t rush the process! Remain flexible and expect the landscape to shift midway, because it very easily might.

This is a pencil-it-in vibe. You can make plans and even act on them, but take your time. And keep a backup plan in your back pocket, just in case.

Are you in transition? Do you have it penciled in?

Reach out for a personal session to consider your penciled-in plan together. ♥

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Good Tarot, Page of Swords, Seven of Cups

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