As I write this week’s column, I’m thinking of (or maybe avoiding) looking up the metaphysical cause of allergies. My eyes are a little swollen, but I’ve put off the allergy meds for a bit because I wanted to finish writing without feeling drunk.
Somehow, that seems to fit this forecast. Blind or drunk, take your pick. Either way, my energy is over budget. :)
Look for a week in which there is an active supportive cast: we’ve got 4 court cards showing up. And it will be especially important to pay attention to your health in everyday ways, because there’s a real potential for getting run down and strung out if you don’t stay on top of it. That having been said, if you can balance out the stress with some recreation, it will help a lot.
Monday, Relationship – Reversed Knight of Pentacles: May be a tendency to nitpick or criticize. Which, you can totally control this! Especially if you know. Don’t take it personally if it feels like someone is picking on you, and don’t unnecessarily pick on someone else. Use your powers of discrimination for good, not evil!
Tuesday, Coworkers – Page of Cups: Aw, that’s nice! Looks like the people you team up with for tasks are supportive and helpful. There’s comfort in working together, so take any opportunities that crop up to connect with others on a project. There’s a general sense of emotional understanding in business contacts today.
Wednesday, Disappointment – King of Pentacles: Gosh, that version of the King of Pentacles looks kinda lazy, doesn’t he? One of the downsides of this King is that he can get overly caught up in creature comforts, and sometimes miss the trees and the forest both! The disappointment here has the possibility of being related to laziness or self-involvement. I don’t know whose, but maybe you do!
Thursday, Partner – The Emperor reversed: I totally would avoid handing out orders and edicts today. Do you really want to see if they are followed? Look more for cooperative approaches and try to reach consensus with your spouse, loved one or partner in crime for the best result today.
Friday, Clarification – Reversed Ten of Wands: Have you (or someone around you) been running on overwhelm? Who has been trying to carry way too much? This explains the earlier part of the week in my mind. Over booking and never saying “no” catches up eventually. Today may well be “eventually.”
Saturday, Health – Ten of Swords: Ow! Not what I’d prefer to see in the “Health” position. Okay, well, anywhere. But this is a logical follow up to yesterday. We are also in the Tarot tens, which means we’re at the end of this run. So take some encouragement from that. Rest and rejuvenate if you can. Acknowledge if you’re feeling run down and worn out. We’re talking either physically or emotionally as well. Take some vitamins and turn in early if that’s an option. Don’t push too hard.
Sunday, Negative Influences – Two of Swords reversed: The problem is, the decision has not been made. Are you trying to hedge your bets, perhaps? Commit and commence. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll recover but at least you won’t regret missed opportunities and wasted time. Realize the hem-hawing, noncommittal approach has costs.
Overview/Advice – Reversed Queen of Pentacles: Don’t invite the whole neighborhood to dinner. Just invite the people you really like—and the ones who actually “feed” you, too. This is the approach I’d suggest all week. Commit firmly, but not indiscriminately. You know? Calculate the costs before saying “yes” and you’ll be better able to avoid over-budgeting.
Affirmation: Play. Ah, what an lovely affirmation! There is plenty of work and responsibility showing up for this week, with worries and careful management required to navigate. So the perfect response to that is balancing out the week with some fun. You don’t need me to tell you twice, right?
Have you been feeling your energy is over budget?