February 7

02/07/12: What if Mom was watching? | Politics


IMG_1987 My husband and I been on a Yes Minister binge, watching marathons on Amazon Video. Besides the laughs, it’s been quite shocking how timely the show is, originally aired in the ’80’s. We keep seeing episodes involving the same brouhaha we’re seeing in the news daily and it’s kind of trippy. Politics just don’t change that much, evidently.

Today’s Tarot is better known as the Seven of Swords (Moon in Aquarius), or Politics in the very unique Osho Zen. The image kind of speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

It’s easy enough to point fingers at smarm. Easy to see the snake-oil salesmen in others. Much less comfortable to see the snake oil salesman in ourselves. It’s so…human.

We all wear masks. We want others to think well of us. We want to present ourselves in the best light, both to the outside world and in the reflection in the mirror. It’s the nature of the ego, who likes propping up. And besides, it feels good.

But if it’s undeserved, it feels a little dirty.

Rather than worrying over our press, how about attending to what we’re giving out? It’s cleaner to address it before the fact. You don’t have to spin the truth.

I had this cruel mothering trick I used to use on my kids. “When you’re trying to decide whether or not to do something, picture me standing there watching you. If you couldn’t do it with me watching you, you have no business doing it.” Stoke of brilliance, don’t you think? They couldn’t step out of line without involuntarily conjuring up an image of me looking on.

Live your life as if someone you respect is watching. Because, well…if you believe in Spirit…ding ding! Besides, shouldn’t you qualify as “someone you respect?”

Does someone watching impact your choices?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Osho Zen, Seven of Swords

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