Well, I’m delighted and relieved to see a more pleasant outlook for the coming week than I got for the weekend! Plus looks like a nice day off for those of you who get that sort of thing. I’m expecting an active week with those Wands showing up and the generally active tone of the overall forecast. Possibility of some sort of resolution on Friday. Overall, this week is feeling optimistic!
Monday, Ten of Cups: Great day for relaxing with loved ones, friends and family alike. Looks harmonious and happy. Yay! Be sure to let the folks around you know how much you appreciate them. It will be well received. Caveat: Any time we’re talking Cups, there may be alcohol flowing so please, no unnecessary risks.
Tuesday, Three of Wands: A day of expectation. Look for news, feedback or an update coming in on something you’ve initiated previously, especially via mail although not necessarily. Most likely it’s positive, and deserved. This card often foretells a payout of some sort. Hope that’s how it works out for you!
Wednesday, The Hierophant: Well, it’s the New Moon in Gemini, and the Hierophant would TOTALLY approve of a spiritual ritual of some sort. New Moons are for new starts. What do you want to start? If you can incorporate traditional symbolism into the mix, it will be all that much more effective. In the everyday, muggle world, make any calls you need to make to big institutions today, tie up loose ends and present yourself conservatively and traditionally. Your best bet is going old school.
Thursday, Five of Swords: I often struggle with this card, trying to decide who is defeating whom. But here, I want to say the victor will be the one who has the clearest communication and sharpest ideas. So if you’re facing off, have your points outlined and stick to the facts for the best outcome. Quick, concise and to the point for the win.
Friday, Eight of Wands reversed: Good chance what you thought was up in the air, not so much! I’m seeing this as a likely conclusion to something or end to uncertainty.
Affirmation for the week: I love and approve of myself. It’s so easy to play what-if, second guess and doubt ourselves to death. I’m horrified at some of the self-talk I hear—people tell their Tarot readers things, you know. I often suggest that people treat themselves with as much kindness, compassion and understanding as they would a good friend. Because some of the things people say to themselves, they would never dream of saying to their dog, let alone another human being.
First of all, forgive yourselves your mistakes. We all make them, and you don’t get the privilege of doing without. And secondly, it’s much easier to approve of yourself if you do your best. Your best today will probably be better than your best last year or last week. That’s not a reason for self-scorn. It’s evidence of growth.
So cut yourself some slack for the past and focus on doing what you can now. I’m willing to bet life will flow smoother when you do that.
How’s your week looking?
Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens
Follow Dixie on Twitter, YouTube or at Woo Woo Wonderful! Or just schedule a Tarot session and get a personalized low-down on what’s up with you. Looking forward to visiting!