July 27

Temperance & The Sun: Airtime for Optimism


“Give optimism at least as much airtime as anxiety.”

I heard these words coming out of my mouth recently, and it struck me even then, this is damn good advice.

How you feel is how you feel. There are no right or wrong feelings. There’s never cause to feel guilty over having any particular feelings we don’t like. Feelings are an amazing source of guidance and there’s every reason to be appreciative of each and every one of them!

But that doesn’t mean we have to constantly swim in feelings that are disruptive. We definitely have a choice of which feelings we feed our energy to–determining which feelings grow and gain momentum through our focus.

I remind myself regularly:  I am out here preaching to stay connected and grow your faith. I encourage people to remain optimistic and work directly with their intuition to create the best outcomes. I tout self-care, love, optimism and directing energy consciously.  So it behoves me to walk the talk.

One way to do this is making the choice to give my optimism more airtime. Next week is a great opportunity to practice that, so sayth the cards.

Next Week in Tarot

Here, we have forecast in the form of Patience–a lovely rendition of Temperance. And the advice card this week is The Sun. There cards are from the completely elegant Good Tarot Deck.

I don’t always read Temperance as strictly a matter of patience, although it’s easy enough to see the element of patience being relevant in the card’s meaning. With the traditional version of this card, there is an angel mixing fire and water. The theme is of various, disparate elements coming together in a cohesive whole. The angel managing the operation suggests otherworldly intervention here.

Having the faith and willingness to step back from any sort of dogmatic advocacy for any particular side, instead letting it all come together organically, would be required to let this card do its work. So yes, patience would be an undeniable asset!

Be willing to acknowledge the bigger picture you are not yet able to see. Nurture a feeling of knowing if you can summon it, or faith if you cannot, that all will come together as it should.

Be as happy, carefree and trusting as you can manage. Expect the best. Look for the sunshine and appreciate every single ray of it that strikes you. Optimism is your ally. Make use of it.

Are you finding some optimism?

Want to get realigned with your own optimism? Give me a holler for a personal session.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Good Tarot, Temperance, The Sun

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  1. I asked what will be the outcome of covid-19. The Sun and Patience flew out.(The Good Tarot) This is awesome news. I felt happiness when I looked upon them.

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