November 7

November Forecast: Out of Control?


I finally got another video up for y’all.

Short version: Rest of this month is feeling larger-than-life and out of control. You’ve got SOME say, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it. Do what you can with it and hang on to ride things out!

Is this consistent with your experience this month?

p.s. Don’t I just look like a crazed, magical super-villian in that screenshot?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


forecast, Tarot Nova, The Magician, Video

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I don't interpret Tarot draws posted in the comments. Hire me for a personal consultation.

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  1. I haven’t really been feeling that way this month, but I have been feeling like I need to change some things in my life. I have a relationship in my life that I’ve been feeling I need to change or maybe even end, but I’m addicted to the person. *Shrugs*. I’ve also been feeling for the past several days that I need to really step back from a lot of things and just concentrate on my spiritual path and coming into who I am as a person. I also just bought my first Tarot deck several days ago so this is all very new to me. Glad I found your site and videos!

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