February 16

02/17/13: Not Fair! / Justice Rx


Well, Hell! Reversed Justice looks like kind of a…scratchy lesson, don’t you think?

I’d expect to see some kind of unfairness today, a lack of balance. Maybe you lose your equalibrium, or maybe you see somebody teetering, about to take a dive into the deep end.

But don’t just be outraged. Know there’s a gem hidden within! If you can extract that prize and understand the lesson lurking, you may be able recover the situation. At the very least, understanding what’s up means you get something for your trouble. Lessons learned do not run on autoplay. That is motivation in and of itself.

Can you feel this dynamic? Gosh, I hope not!

Schedule a session with Dixie.

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Gilded Tarot, Justice

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