September 3

Not Done: Queen of Wands Rx, Knight of Pentacles Rx


I used to try, really hard sometimes, to make things happen. Work hard and apply yourself and all things will be possible, right?

Funny thing is, this never got me too far. And I never understood why until recently.

I’m coming to realize, the way I’ve moved forward historically hasn’t even remotely been a result of how strenuously I applied myself or even what blessings I bring innately. It’s not about working hard at all–action can be counterproductive, especially if undertaken in a state of worry or frustration. When I’m trying very hard, it’s a good indication I’m out of sync, right there.

I don’t want hard work. I want RIGHT work. Big difference.

Because the right action, taken at the right time, can only be accomplished by someone tuned in: connected and inspired. Then, you can ride that energy flow and then, everything works out, just so.

Being tuned in requires a light touch. It requires a high vibration: appreciation, love, joy, optimism, or contentment are the sort of things one will feel when they are tuned in. It’s a very peaceful state. And it’s a state you cannot force. You can only invite.

It feels right. I feel good and it just feels right. I feel enthusiasm and lightness about the situation.What’s done then turns out well. And while there is effort expended, that effort doesn’t feel so much feel like work.

Listen to your own rhythm as much as you can. It makes staying tuned in easier. Look for the best, the bright side wherever you can find it. Appreciation helps tremendously and makes tuning in much easier. It makes everything much easier.

I got to see a newborn butterfly the other day. It was sitting still as a sculpture, just above its cocoon. I watched and waited–and watched and waited–and eventually, when he was ready, he moved.

Got that? He took off only when he was damn good and ready.

[bctt tweet=”Be an emerging butterfly: Move when you’re damn good and ready. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

In other news (but not really), on my radar for next week: wait! Things are not done so cool your jets. Not super surprising since Mercury doesn’t turn direct until September 5th.

What I’m seeing: What you “know” today may be different than what you see tomorrow. So breathe and let life unfold for you, rather than trying to unfold it yourself. Just take your time and don’t obsess. Situations are not yet ripe for wrapping up. Don’t dig your heels in, obsessing over details and miss the bigger picture. Exhale and give it a minute. The situation isn’t ripe, the cake’s not baked. Send out your request to the Universal information stream and be open to getting the final pieces.

This week’s forecast features the Radiant Rider-Waite (yes, again). If you want a personal consult, you know where to find me.

And breathe! ♥

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Knight of Pentacles, Mercury Retrograde, Queen of Wands, Radiant Rider Waite

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