I’ve been trying to pinpoint the things I appreciate about this bizzare time we’re in. I’m not trying to be Pollyanna here so much as looking to keep myself grounded and connected to the parts of life that replenish me.
Appreciation tops that list. There’s plenty to be stressed about, so it’s not like we have to seek that out. But there are always things to savor, at the same time.
I really do love the way I see people connecting with one another. People are checking in with each other more often. They are more free in expressing affection. Even between strangers, I see nods and knowing glances of a shared experience.
People are ending conversations with admonitions to “stay safe” and they mean it. I guess some may find that sad, but I find hope and peace in the shared intention of goodwill people are more freely expressing right now.
Kindness always matters but it’s even more potent now than normal. I’m happy to do my best to generate some and would suggest you do the same if you can. It helps.
Next Week in Tarot

I’m not especially surprised at what I’m seeing this week. We have the Nine of Wands upright for the forecast, with Seven of Cups reversed and Six of Swords rounding out our advice. These are from the lovely Star Tarot.
Yes, we’re all tired and feeling kind of beat up, both individually and collectively. We feel the need to hold out because that’s exactly what we do need to do. That’s Nine of Wands in a nutshell. The good news with this card, though: you CAN do it. I always get this guy when you’ve got what it takes to manage. And that is encouraging.
Don’t let your imagination run away with you. Tune out hysteria, know-it-all theories, or completely dismal and unproductive “what ifs” because it does no one any good, least of all you!
I tend to get the Seven of Cups reversed when there is a strong likelihood of misinterpreting the scene, imagining what’s not there. Rather than wallow in what you think you might see or what some guy on the internet is sure he sees, take the Six of Swords approach with this and think of yourself as riding in the “boat to better shores.”
This is a card of transition and when you’re getting a bit worn out, transition is a very good focus to maintain. One foot in front of the other, or one stroke of the rowboat. However you imagine it, we’re talking incremental progress. Don’t for a minute knock that: all progress is good progress.
We’re in a difficult and stressful situation, globally. That’s all fine and well, because what are the other options right now? Like it or not, it is what it is. You do the best you can with what you’ve got to work with, period. And that’s exactly what the cards are saying to do right now.
Hang in there! Don’t get sucked into any mental wormholes of doom–they are not only unhelpful, they are bogus as well. Instead, keep your eye on the perhaps small but utterly significant steps you are making to take care of yourself, look after your loved ones and support others in the world at large. THIS is what matters.
There will be time to look at the bigger picture after the fact, if you’re so inclined. But you can’t see it standing in the middle. Keep your own watch and maintain responsibility for your place in all this and as I’m so fond of recommending, let the Universe sort out everything else. it will.
Stay safe out there, friends! I mean that. And I’ll do my best to do the same.
p.s. If you want to hook up for a personal consult, give me a holler. I’ll be happy to be flexible with rates if needed right now. Just let me know.