September 26

09/26/11: Getting What You Want? | Reversed Nine of Cups, The Star



“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just may find, you get what you need…” –Rolling Stones lyrics

Today’s Tarot is the reversed Nine of Cups, and the Star. The essence of what you’re looking for is available to you, albeit not in the form you’d expected. That doesn’t mean all is lost, you screwed it up, or there is a crisis afoot.  It means you don’t have perfect knowledge and foresight. Join the (universal) club.

Sometimes, there’s a bigger reason that’s not immediately clear. Or sometimes, the flow just changes.  Either way, it’s life. This is on-the-job training every step of the way, man. Forget the form and focus on the essence. That’s all that really matters, anyway.

Are you getting what you need?

Tarot of the New Vision (English/Spanish)
by Lo Scarabeo

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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New Vision Tarot, Nine of Cups, Nine of Cups Reversed, The Star

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  1. Bullseye! Right on target!

    And if there was an image to symbolize my life right now, it would be that photo of these two cards.

    There is honestly nothing else I can add to this.

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