It’s been a weird week, hasn’t it? At least for me, it has. I’ve heard plenty of reports that out in the wild, it’s been the same.
And my allergies have been acting up, even indoors. So I’m walking around for the last week with a vague impression I’m about to cry or have recently cried: my face feels emotional! And it’s especially odd because the physical sensations of proximity to tears seem to color my perceptions at the same time. I’ve felt like I need to be gentle with myself because of it, you know?
Not that’s ever really bad advice. I think being gentle with yourself an being gentle with everybody else is always a good idea.
Just be kind. And in particular, next week is a good time to practice that kindness.
Next Week in Tarot
From The Star Tarot, this week’s outlook is the Five of Cups (coming in reversed) with advice as the Three of Wands (also reversed).
That R.E.M song comes to mind…Of course, it’s not the end of the world (even as we know it). It’s not even close.
But yeah…I do expect some space to open this week for most of us. Something ends. It may not be space you were looking to open up, though. Sorry about that.
Or maybe you’re somewhere similar to where I’ve been and feel a proximity to emotionality without a “logical” reason for it.
Doesn’t matter. Be kind and gentle, to yourself first and others you encounter. Feel whatever feelings show up. That’s what we do, right? Feel all the feelings and let them flow.
But when you’re done feeling the feelings, look ahead. Always, finish up by looking ahead. Being in the moment is always adequate preparation for taking the next step.
You won’t be able to see it clearly yet, but that’s okay. When we think we see clearly exactly what’s going to happen, that’s all an illusion anyway. At best, we can usually make out the next step or two.
And that’s enough. A little faith and the next step or two is all it takes.
How are you doing out there?
For a confidential one-on-one, drop me a line.