March 13

03/14/13: Turning If into When / Moon, rev King of Wands



Are you dreaming as opposed to doing? Or do you need a little imaginative clarity before being ready for definitive action, putting all the pieces in place? That’s what the combination of the Moon and reversed King of Wands suggest to me. The always-flippant Housewives Tarot has such a way with imagery, doesn’t it?

I’d look to ask if your dreams are practical and workable. Don’t guess, know. Write that budget, outline the steps, make those phone calls, set parameters and create timelines. Do all that boring, real-world research and development work, because passion alone isn’t enough to pull your plans together.

You may also do well to implement plans in phases instead of trying to do everything at once. The King would probably get the house  far cleaner if he didn’t try to mop, sweep and clean the toilet simultaneously, much as I love his enthusiasm.  And while his wife is dreaming of a sparkling house, she would do well to acknowledge it takes a while to get the results she wants.

The trick is to use both these vibes to their best advantage. Dream of what’s possible, yes! That inspiration is sublime, it’s irreplaceable. But realize dreams are just that: dreams. Dreams can be tricky, sneaky little things. They can both inspire and deceive with their comprehensiveness. Just like real life versus the movies, nothing’s ever as simple or pat as in your imagination.

It doesn’t mean the final outcome cannot be even more grand than the Moon’s dream. Hell, it will be, because it’s REAL. You just can’t skip steps.

Today, take a concrete step toward realizing your dream and congratulate yourself for it. That’s much more productive than simply thinking about how great it would be if…this turns your “ifs” into “whens.”

You have a dream you’re ready to act on?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Need somee help getting started?  Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Housewives Tarot, King of Wands, The Moon

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  1. “I’d look to ask if your dreams are practical and workable. Don’t guess, know”

    The plan of action you recommend is VERY wise advise!!!! I need to put pen to paper before starting on this next project. Not just notes here and there but a PLAN!

    Wise words my pink haired friend – VERY wise words

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