March 5

Mine Vs. Yours: Weekly Tarot, Mar 6 – 12, 2017


The grocery checker looked me up and down.

Are my pants irking her?

Some people don’t approve of fuzzy pants at the grocery. What harm they see in it, I have no clue. It’s not a funeral, for Godssakes. Am I disrespecting the broccoli? I just want some coffee creamer and chocolate-something. Should I have to change clothes for that?

I think not, but you probably guessed as much. Besides. The world needs more color and I’m doing my part.

Doesn’t matter if she likes my pants or not. I’m in her line. So be it.

“I just love your hair!” she says, when it’s my turn up. Oh.

Now, I don’t worry so much about what people think any more–a blessing of age. But there was a time, once upon a self-conscious phase ago, when I chastised myself for wanting to wear fuzzy pants everywhere.

“You just need to grow up!” I’d say sternly inside my head.

“What kind of a person lives their lives in fuzzy pants?” Of course the answer to that is easy enough. The kind of person who really likes fuzzy pants!

My job is to decide what pants suit me that day, and wear them.  Not to bother about outside reaction to the pants. That checking other faces instead of hitting up the mirror is what trips us up.

[bctt tweet=”Soon as you look outside yourself to see how you’re doing, you’ve lost the plot. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

This coming week is a lot like that.

Daily Bullet Points

It ain’t touchy-feeling this week, folks. But it doesn’t have to be scratchy-ouchie, either. Up to you, to play the cards as they come.

  • Monday, Eight of Swords. Limitations are self-imposed. In the context of having “scripts,” know people may not play their prescribed roles. Focus on just your own role instead for better outcome.
  • Tuesday, Eight of Wands. The sense of unsettledness is not fun, but short term. Everything is already underway, dude! Chill and let the energy that’s already in motion play out.
  • Wednesday, Five of Wands. Are you fighting? Do you really need to be? Sidestep unnecessary kerfuffle and choose your battles. People have wildly divergent interpretations of the same events.  Respect and let be. Because if you try to force others to become you, it won’t go well.
  • Thursday, Knight of Wands rx. Be wary of acting impulsively. Stay heart-centered, yes. But don’t insist that others understand you. That’s much less important than being you. You stay in your joy without looking for anybody else to validate your excitement.
  • Friday, Six of Pentacles rx. Be generous with assumptions. Assume the best of all.
  • Saturday, Page of Swords rx. Miscommunications and wires crossed. Possibility of bluntness, without malice but misunderstandings and sore feelings are possible. Be aware and you can miss than bus.
  • Sunday, Knight of Cups. Emotionally supportive tone to close the week. Good day to bask in love, in whatever form it exists in your love. Focus on loving feelings

Summing it up: The less you try to control others, situations, and conditions outside yourself, the better off you’ll be. All control starts at home. With you, in your own head, I’d add. You know, In case you had already turned your attention to spouse or kids or something…snort.

Are you tuned to your own channel?

This week’s forecast features the Radiant Rider Waite in a Tin (great for popping in your bag or car), and Dixie (who wrote this book). Want a one-on-one? Go here.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Eight of Swords, Eight of Wands, Five of Wands, Knight of Cups, Knight of Wands, Page of Swords, Radiant Rider Waite, Six of Pentacles, Video

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