May 17

Mind Those Toes: Weekly Tarot Forecast, May 18 – 24


When I offer help or advice, I have a standard practice of intention: I send it with sincere goodwill, and then consciously look to release the outcome. I’m not always successful or perfect in this practice, but it’s my goal.

I want to never feel angry about how my help is utilized…or not. Sometimes, it’s easier said than done. Sometimes, I have to remind myself: not my life, not my business. It’s my choice how much energy I offer up and it should only be energy I can afford to spare. My job is to send it off with love and the best of intentions, and let it go, trusting the universe will send it wherever it needs to go.

It’s the intention, the good will and positive mojo that goes out from my heart that’s the real gift. The rest is just window dressing.

That’s the vibe around this coming week – mind your business and let others mind theirs, but with love. Do what you can for your fellow humans, yes, of course! But continue walking your own path at the same time. Otherwise, we’re liable to get some sore feet from stepping on one another’s toes!

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Since we’re starting another Mercury retro (ugh!) AND a lot of folks are getting hammered out there, I thought I’d cheer up the place with the also-retro Housewives Tarot. I pulled a couple weeks ahead too, and was shocked by the number of repeat cards we got over the next few weeks.

This shouldn’t surprise me. Literal retrograde is literal.

I was also not really expecting this lineup. We’ve got some major arcana in there (big happenings), and plenty of cups (emotion) with a few swords (conflict and reason) thrown in. Maybe it sounds bad, but that Nine of Cups to start out the week really shocked me. Folks have been getting a little battered lately, so I didn’t expect–but totally welcome–the good news. Although it’s not all sunshine and roses the next week, it’s only slightly bipolar. Ha!

Monday – Nine of Cups: Expect good news, to get a bit of relief, or just some really pleasant interaction today. Monday looks like a gift. Don’t forget to say, “Thank you!”

Tuesday – Strength inverted: You’ve got what it takes to get the job done, but you may not feel it today. Sidestep any temptation to be short-tempered or pushy about getting your way. A steady, gentle approach is required, but you may have to step back in order to achieve that. A time-out when you start to feel stressed-out is a great coping mechanism.

Wednesday – The Star: Another “up” day! Expect some acknowledgement and encouragement today. Yay!

Thursday – Seven of Cups: Don’t go getting the big head after yesterday’s blue ribbon, man. Empty flattery may make it’s way to your ears today. Don’t act on something just because you’d like to believe the press here. Wait for the backup facts to emerge naturally. Truth bears out and stands on it’s own accord.

Friday – Four of Swords: Make it a light schedule or take off early if you can. A little chill time does a world of good. Spa night? Netflix binge? Hot bath, glass of wine and a good book? It’s all good. Self-care rules today.

Saturday – Two of Wands: Take care of business, right off the bat if you can. Putting off until later isn’t the best option if you don’t want to be scrambling. Leave plenty of lead time and do your chores in the morning for a more relaxed and less hectic afternoon and evening. You’ll be glad you did.

Sunday – King of Swords: It would be a super day to pencil in a schedule for the coming week, or at least a loose goal list. Extra effort into tracking the details of what you’ve got going is effort well spent.  Prep now to make the coming week easier on yourself. Do not over-commit; it’s a time for streamlining, as opposed to expanding, that to-do list.

Overview/Advice, Triumph – Two of Cups inverted: Your direction has to be your own. Understand people who love you sometimes get frustrated, when you don’t make the decisions they would. Perfectly natural. But your choices need to come from your heart, not your partners’ or friends’ heart. You’ve got one job here: being yourself with total integrity. You have the perfect qualifications. Use them!

Affirmation: All my relationships are harmonious. At first blush, this affirmation almost seems contradictory with the overview above, but it’s not. Relationships are most likely to be harmonious when your thoughts, deeds and values align. If you’re engaged enough with your own life, you have less need to live the lives of others (through unsolicited advice or immersion in extraneous drama). The secret is making your own decisions and for everyone else? Love and let go, love and let go. It’s a profound act of respect not to try to micromanage loved ones’ lives.

You feeling the urge to step on some toes? Is anybody stepping on yours?

 P.S. Thanks to everyone who got a Zodiac reading. They are really going well, so I’ll keep the special running until I get around to adding them to the consult page. I will definitely be adding them in the regular offerings though. But for now, my disorganization is your opportunity for savings.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Affirmations, Four of Swords, Housewives Tarot, King of Swords, Nine of Cups, Seven of Cups, Strength, The Star, Two of Cups, Two of Wands

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