March 25

03/26/14: Loud Actions / Page of Pentacles (again)


Page of Pentalces

“Hello, Irony? Meet Tarot. Oh, you’re old friends already? Should have known!” I shuffled cards between yesterday and today’s pull, and it shows.

We have (AGAIN) the Page of Pentacles, this time coming up as “surprise.” Okay. Well, I am surprised!

Here’s what I want to say about this, today anyway: The surprise is that you don’t have to obsess to see the message, you don’t have to study to get it or talk and talk to get the message across. It’s not work to communicate here, and it’s not nebulous.

Tangible messages manifests through the details without the…strain to create meaning.

Here’s the sum total: Look to actions to tell you the score.

Are you hearing some loud actions?

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Page of Pentacles, Tarot Illuminati

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