August 24

Lion to Lamb – Weekly Flow Tarot Forecast, Aug 25 – 31


Tarot Forecast

Seeing the week start out with so many of the Wands, I am thinking we begin with some heat, some motion and a lot of activity. Expecting a busy week, with recuperation needs to catch up with us at the end of the week. The flow here reminds me of the old phrase about March, in like a Lion, out like a Lamb? That’s this week. Roaring on Monday all the way through napping on Sunday.  So plan your activities to tackle high energy demands early in the week and you’ll be more free to flow into the end of the week with less stress.

Monday, Lesson – Queen of Wands: Why me? Sometimes when faced with challenges, we ask ourselves, “why me?” This queen would tell you, it’s because you need to know you are strong, because your will is being clarified, because you need to prioritize and crystallize your intentions. She says that life is the sandpaper that smooths the wood. The Queen of Wands teaches the lessons of strength, perseverance and single-mindedness to complete a quest. Emulate her today and you’ll graduate this lesson with a passing grade at least.

Tuesday, Situation – Page of Wands: Think active, laying the groundwork for what is to come. Pages are young, so things are just getting started. There may be big plans, exciting plans, or a message with possibilities. This is a day for setting the stage. If you have to-do tasks for long term goals, employment related chores, or the inspiration to begin a creative project, it’s an excellent time for starting to get things in order. Just understand there may be changes and morphing along the way. But for now, getting started is what counts.

Wednesday, What you can Change –King of Wands: Quite literally, you can change what you DO. You cannot control what anybody else does, or thinks or believes. But you can change what you do. So if you want a change in what’s going on, make a change in what you do. Keep following through with what you started earlier in the week.

Thursday, Coworkers – Strength: Get some extra patience, help and support from those you are working with, or offer some up if you’ve got some to spare. Here, “coworkers” can be anyone with whom you share common objectives. The idea being that getting through life’s difficulties is a whole lot easier if done in a group, and that group support is on offer right now. Gentle, easy-going and patience, it doesn’t have to be dramatic. But the results of group endeavors might be. Just not the endeavor itself.

Friday, Conscious Desires – Hanged Man Inverted: Tap, tap, tap, foot tapping! This is impatience. This is an urge to “meddle” and mess and an undercurrent of anxiety. There’s an itch to just “do something.” I’d say most likely, you’ll have trouble completing something concrete, it’s sort of a hard-to-grasp energy here. But you can make lists, contingency plans, organize and classify. That counts as “something” that can be done. So do it, and then take yourself a walk to burn off nervous energy. Ground, okay? Ground.

Saturday, Blocking or Covering – Two of Wands reversed: Are you feeling kind of insecure, wall-flowerish? That timid response can be a liability if nobody understands what you’re trying to say. Be clear. Stand up for yourself as needed without being argumentative. Being clearly yourself and clear about yourself doesn’t start a standoff. It helps avoid misunderstandings.

Sunday, Body – Ace of Cups: An emotional day, or day to emotionally recover. Time outside, time around the water, meditation and overall quiet does an awful lot of good. I’m also getting the feeling we really just need a chance to process the rest of the week! Don’t overbook today. Allow spaces between the activities because the most important parts of this day happen in the spaces.

Overview/Advice – 10 of Cups Reversed: You may not see consensus among those you care about this week. Family and the family of friends you call your own might not see everything eye-to-eye with you. That’s okay. You don’t have to agree with someone to love them anyway! Otherwise, we’d only have to look in the mirror for companionship. I’d be very aware throughout the week of putting the love first, the opinions and differences clearly second. You know what I mean? Peace is worth cultivating. You have to make your own decisions, and should. Just don’t let differences in perspective drive a wedge between you and loved ones. Opinions change, but people that give a damn about you are VALUABLE. If feelings are getting a bit raw, seek space to allow a little cool down time. That helps. And look forward to some nap time on Sunday if you can!

Affirmation: “Woo-Woo” is wonderful. Love this one! Be you, free and true. One of the toughest things for people to get over when they are really kicking in with tuning in to their own intuition, more into the “woo” as we say, is NOT outside criticism although there is that aplenty. It’s the self-criticism that shuts them down! Without it, they can begin to hear the inner voice and getting that kick-ass guidance system fully operating. Stop worrying about how or why or God help us, what next, what next?!? Just DO. This is a great week—okay, I think every week is a great week for really turning the connection on high.

We’re starting out on fire, so make the early week active as Hell, knock out as much as you can, allow others to be there for you as they show up, and sink back into the comfy chair to figure out what happened next weekend. But through it all, be YOU, be honest with yourself and take deep breaths to listen, listen, listen to what your gut tells you. Don’t you know, it never steers you wrong?

Does this fit your week’s schedule?! Sounds busy, sometimes kind of challenging, but damn productive. Go get ‘em!

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

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Ace of Cups, Deck of 1000 Spreads, Hanged Man, King of Wands, Mystic Dreamer, Page of Wands, Queen of Wands, Strength, Ten of Cups, Two of Wands

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