December 9

12/10/13: Light a Candle and Believe / 6 of Stones


“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” –Saint Augustine

This is the last day I have slated for the Zodiac Tarot in this run. I am happy to end it on a friendly card: the Six of Pentacles (or Stones). Traditionally I associate this card with the concept of charity. Here, we see a inside the church. She appears to be lighting a candle. The “votive offering” is actually an ancient practice. It’s not hard to imagine her lighting a candle with a prayer for her husband, children or grandchildren. She appears confident in what she’s doing. And the healthy plants in the foreground suggest to me a certain kind of stability, you know? This is a place where they are well-cared for and grow.

Being that we’re talking about a steadfast (Taurus) emotional nature (Moon), I’d suggest being both faithful and generous today. Send your good will (with prayer if you’re so inclined), do what you can to contribute positively, and expect it to be so.

Do you have some good will to share today?

Zodiac Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

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Moon in Taurus, Six of Pentacles, Zodiac Tarot

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