“It’s intense. Not bad necessarily, but very intense.”
She had that deer-in-the-headlights,-what-the-Hell-is-that-supposed-to-mean look.
I was talking about the upcoming eclipses, and how it’s felt since the recent full moon in Virgo.
I wasn’t trying to be scary but, you know. People would prefer sunshine and daffodils.
“Well, you know all these changes you’re going through recently? It’s really hard right now. Stressful. The changes are not bad–they’re for the better in the long run. All of them are good. The work you’re doing now is very hard, but it’s going to a good ends. And it all counts! Next week, you’ll have made a lot of progress from this week.”
She agreed.
“And I’m in the same boat, with my projects. It’s intense. Overwhelming sometimes. But with a purpose and a payoff.”
And this, my friends, is what this next week is about. Might not like the feelings now–most of us might be more than a little tired. But the point of all that effort is firmly intact. And it’s worth it.
We’re in the process of leveling up. That means the stakes are a little higher, and the work is a little harder. But the rewards are also a little sweeter. Like it or not, matters not to the Universe. So do your best and insulate yourself.
Oh, and one more thing? With Eclipse season upon us, what we’re doing now, what we’re working through has IMPACT. So…do your best to do your best, okay? Meaning, don’t cash in your integrity for an apparently easy shortcut or gain.
Do the RIGHT THING, whether you think you’re being watched or not. It always matters, but now? It matters even more than usual. Pressure is high and many situations will intensify to the crux. You want to be above reproach if anything happens to come crashing down in your lap, you know?
March 8 is the first Eclipse and it’s gonna be a doozy. Don’t say I didn’t give y’all a heads up on this…

Ah, the cards. I’m seeing evidence of the incoming eclipse and general, highly sensitized astro-weather out there, in next week. I am expecting emotions to be veritably crackling and largely visceral, especially the first part of the week. Thursday through the weekend looks much easier to manage. But Tuesday and Wednesday are high alert days, just so you know.
Monday, Judgement Reversed: Who do you most often blame when something goes wrong? Other people? Yourself? Default patterns are usually less-than-useful. Potential of missing important information due being wedded to a particular narrative. Keep an open mind in anticipation that the story may be quite a bit different than you initially thought.
[bctt tweet=”Whose fault is much less relevant than, ‘what now?’ #tarot”]
Tuesday, Three of Swords: Ow! Sorry, there’s no pretty spin for the Three of Swords. This card shows a loss, and the hurting over that loss. Now, since this is a public forecast, I can certainly wish this feeling is not personal to you! But there’s a good chance, it’s going to be personal to somebody–including maybe somebody you interact with. So step lightly with compassion, and carry tissue. Kindness is the order of the day.
Wednesday, Ten of Swords: Too much! The Ten of Swords shows up when we feel overwhelmed, betrayed, tapped out and back-stabbed. It’s the rock-bottom feeling we’re talking. Although there is a smidge of a bright side with this card–no place to go but up. Schedule extra downtime today and make space in your schedule for self-care. Time to tend to your wounds and get yourself a good night’s sleep. Everything will unquestionably look better in the morning.
Thursday, Six of Wands: Yes! A rebound! Take a deep breath, put on your ass-kicking shoes, and go forth to face the challenges of the day. You have the capacity to conquer them.
Friday, Queen of Wands: Focus and determination in equal mix with passion is the recipe for success. Not bull-headedness…unless it’s something you really need to be bull-headed about. Some issues are worth digging your heels in over, you know? And as always with the Wands Royalty, be sure you’re not being a control-freak all over other people. Only control-freak yourself, man.
Saturday, Page of Cups: A little case of the feels, today. Be kind, and spend time with others who are kind. Loving energy always heals but today? Loving kindness is super-charged. Take advantage.
Sunday, Ace of Swords Reversed: Plans probably won’t go as planned. This is not a huge problem–we’re talking loose plans or early stages here. So lean into your power of flexibility to make up any lost ground. You can save the day with quick thinking.
Overview/Advice – The Magician: To make this week work, attending to your thought processes and focusing on what you DO have control over will be paramount. I find the Magician a very encouraging card in this position, because he reassures me, people will indeed have the magic powers they need to navigate any difficulty successfully. Remember, the gift of the Magician is in channeling the energy sources available to him. He takes the same things everybody else may have it hand, but uses them intentionally. So throughout the week, as you’re allocating your energy, your thoughts, your actions, do so deliberately and intentionally. This will help you sail over any rough patches and come out the other side feeling accomplished.
Affirmation: I am beautiful and everybody loves me. This affirmation always cracks me up. On a surface level, it’s so obviously untrue. I know there are people who do not love me! However, I also know people frequently underestimate how many people do love them. Here’s what I’m thinking, it terms of advice: see your own beauty. Assess yourself as kindly as you would a dear, beloved friend. Only allow people into your inner circle who DO actually love you. I am considering this affirmation not so much a reflection of some sort of objective reality as advice, for creating the reality you would like. Act in accordance with what you find beautiful in yourself. Only do those things in private that you would not be ashamed to have known publically. Only invite kind, loving and loyal people into your world. Don’t give the assholes a vote! You do this, and this affirmation can be true. You just have to decide to make it so.
How are you faring out there?
This week’s forecast features the Cosmic Tarot deck–and if you dig the forecasts in general, check out the Everyday Tarot Archives or just get a private session with Dixie for personalized advice.