“When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’ ” –Lao Tzu
I’ve had ideas of “leadership” on my mind. So many leaders—self-proclaimed or otherwise acclaimed—spend lots of energy trying to impress others with their importance. I understand many are in business and must present their credentials favorably. But even if justifiably proud of accomplishments, there’s no reason to tear others down in the process. Walking over others makes a person smaller, not bigger.
There is a big difference between setting yourself up above others to appear more important versus becoming widely respected because you uplift others and help them become better people, you know?

The Lord of the Rings Tarot retains the traditional flavor of the Six of Wands while again emphasizing a point about this card oft forgotten—victory itself is evidence of a battle proceeding. You cannot be victorious in complete absence of conflict, after all. Even if the conflict was an internal one.
I mean, look a the RWS version of this card. Our victorious leader’s outfit isn’t even wrinkled. Evidently, he donned his cape and wreath after a nice, hot bath. Ha!
When you see someone riding high, on top of their game, what you don’t see is the struggle that came before. Achievement, like all other worthwhile ends, tends to have a price. It also tends not to be a solitary act.
And if you’re in midst of an ugly battle, remember an ugly outcome is not a done deal. Those with perseverance who call upon the strengths of the Tarot sixes—seeking allies, inspiring others by their own convictions and working cooperatively—can accomplish great things. Be a leader by seeking common goals, setting a good example, and helping others connect with the best in themselves.That’s how you find your way to victory!
What do you think makes a good leader?

Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Card Game
Schedule a consultation with Dixie to get in touch with your inner leader. Ha!