June 18

06/18/12: Impulse-Driven | Knight Wands, rev Queen Wands


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Got a hot combo here—the Knight of Wands (Air in Fire) and the reversed Queen of Wands (Water in Fire).  There’s impulsiveness at play. That Knight is hot to trot, baby! He’s big on calls to action, even if he has no idea what the unintended consequences. Be aware of the jump-out-of-the-frying-pan factor when making choices. Slow down a bit if you can.

Also be wary of not giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed, either from giving up too easily or being overly stubborn. To stay in the flow, remain aware. Pause if you’re unsure. The Queen of Wands’ strength is her will, and it works best when she’s quite clear on what she expect to accomplish. So make sure you are, too, to make best use of her considerable prowess.

Are you getting impulses?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

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Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands

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  1. just as my Pappaw says (who has a 12th house Aries stellium, including sun conjunct moon) “The main thing is not to get excited.”

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