July 31

07/31/12: Don’t trip over old baggage| Knight of Wands, rev Death


I was chatting with one of my Tarot people recently about the baggage I bring to the table as a reader. Does that sound weird to admit? I mean, we’ve ALL got it. Hello?!? It’s part of being human. If you don’t know about your baggage, especially in the kind of work I do it’s liable to seep in unexpectedly.

For me, awareness allows me to work around it consciously, without tripping over it quite so much.


It’s time to do, say Tarot Wands—but are you like me, not always sure as to what? I find Knights, like this Knight of Wands, to be a bit fickle and sometimes indecisive. Wands figures tend to be passionate and pure of heart, although they can be a bit aggressive if frustrated.

Paired with reversed Death, make sure what you’re doing now is not based on old attachments, incomplete grief, or other dead-and-gone circumstance. If you haven’t completely let go of what once was, it continues to haunt you in the now.

It doesn’t take a lot here—just a quick gut-check. One of my favorite techniques is seeing if your emotional level matches the stimulus. If not, look for a similar feeling vein that is being tapped. The circumstances don’t need to match, just the emotional tone. That’s my best tell.

So yes, make your decisions and act confidently! You can do so if you’re aware of what skeletons are packed away in your closet. If you’re not? Well, it’s not so easy then.

Can you relate to working around your old baggage?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

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Death, Knight of Wands, Mystic Dreamer, Tarot Wands

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