August 12

Knight of Wands: Silent Knowing


I’ve always felt a bit like a weirdo, but the sensation is getting stronger in the past couple of years. Mostly I’m okay with that. Although to be honest, it can feel a little isolating at times. I like feeling connected to other people but if I worry about that, it messes up my own vibe.

It’s not the connections with each other that matter nearly so much as your connection to what’s bigger, what’s divine, your own soul. That’s the ONLY connection that matters. Everything else comes as a reflection of that connection, that energy and never the other way around.

Can I feel compassion for those who see the world dramatically different from how I see it? Because if I can’t, I’m kind of sunk here. That group includes damn near everyone. And I want to feel kindness for damn near everyone. It makes for a happier life. It feels more like who I really am.  It doesn’t require consensus or persuasion or action by a committee, which is impossible anyway. There’s no force involved.

It just requires my energy be on point. That I can do.

This coming week is all about that inner connection that you find by way of your heart.

Here we have the Messenger of Fire (aka the Knight of Wands from the Good Tarot) and Gloxinia from Botanical Inspirations–love at first sight & proud spirit.

Where is your heart? Listen to that beat, above all the static and din of “other people’s opinions.”

[bctt tweet=”Connection with others is only satisfying when you first connect with your own heart. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

On my psychic soundtrack this week, I’ve got The Sound of Silence. And it’s loud, ironically enough.

“People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening”

I’d advise the same to you. Listen to the silence and see what inspirations visit you.

Are you tuning in to the silence?

If you’re looking for some feedback on your journey, holler at me for a private session.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Botanical Inspirations, Gloxina, Good Tarot, Knight of Wands

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