January 26

Knight of Swords & Queen of Pentacles Rx: Plan in Pencil


I’ve been sort of compulsively crocheting lately, utilizing little snatches of time that I carve out from my daily routine. In the morning during coffee time. My break between work and cooking dinner. In bed while watching TV.  I’m using whatever yarn I’ve already got on hand (admittedly plenty).

Crochet is very calming to me. It’s highly satisfying to complete either a square or an entire project (even when I have no end game whatsoever about what to do with the finished item). It’s meditative and clears my head.

I love the process of the creation. It feels like magic to me–literally making something out of nothing by waving my magic (crochet) wand in and out of some string. I enjoy the planning too–deciding what to make and selecting an approach to get there.

I especially like picking out what yarn to put together. Yarn choice has such a huge impact on the finished piece. Considering what yarn would compliment the texture of the stitch, or laying out colors next to one another to contemplate their potential marriage makes me feel like an artist.

It pleases me tremendously, and the whole point of the activity is being pleased. Even if I didn’t enjoy the planning, I’d still need to do it, though. Since I’m using my existing yarn stash, some planning is necessary to get an finsihed project I like.

But sometimes, the outcome of my planning looks absolutely nothing like what I planned! At times, it’s a better than I’d hoped for but sometimes, not so much. I may form plans all I want, but I come up with consistently better results if I’m open to amending the plan as I go.

This forecast reminds me a lot of this process.

Next Week in Tarot

Ever have on of those weeks where you thought you knew what you were doing, but it turned out nothing like you thought it would? You may consider the changes great or not so much, but you couldn’t have seen them coming. That is exactly what I’m expecting here.

For the outlook next week, it’s the Knight of Swords. Advice is the reversed Queen of Pentacles, paired with the reversed Two of Swords, all from the bright and lovely Crystal Visions Tarot.

This Knight suggests information and ideas will be freely flowing and move fast–although there may just-as-fast-moving changes in direction. Tarot Knights can often signal impulsiveness or unpredictability as well as general movement.

We’d be well-advised not to get too comfy with whatever appears to be “in progress.” Pentacles are the suit of physical manifestation, so this Queen coming in reversed says that nothing is set in stone yet. You cannot take it to the bank. So don’t get married to any approach for taking care of an issue based on what you hear early in the week. Some elements will likely remain in place, but there may be material differences from what you heard early on versus what eventually comes to pass.

There’s also the matter of that reversed Two of Swords I pulled for extra insight regarding the advice. This angel chick tells me isn’t a lot to figure out here. She’s blindfolded. So you won’t be able to see everything coming. No need to overthink–a real temptation in this environment! Instead, remain flexible and pencil in the options because they are prone to needing adjustment as the week wears on.

In other words, roll with the punches. This next week, you may have to pull out some stitches or change plans mid-project. Colors you thought would work together may not, or those you thought wouldn’t may be perfect together. None of this is necessarily a bad thing, but it can undoubtedly trample on your joy if you’re not ready to be flexible. So be flexible!

Are you feeling the need for flexibility?

If you need a little help sorting, as always you can contact me for a private consult here.

p.s. I’ve had some great messages from spirits, guides and dead folks in pre-session meditations. It wasn’t something I planned so much as something that’s developed over time, to the point some of my regulars have told me these are a highlight of their readings.

So I wanted to experiment with this. I’m thinking email sessions (with mp3 downloads) on the meditation visitors plus a simple Tarot spread looking for advice from whomever shows up. The messages in general tend to be very uplifting and encouraging, so think of it like a personal development reading.

I’m trying just a few of these to see how they work out before deciding if I want to make it an ongoing option. So if you’d like to be one of the first (maybe only) to try a Spirit Messages Reading, send  $40 via Paypal this week and we can see how it goes!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Crystal Visions Tarot, Knight of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Two of Swords

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