“You can’t have it all…” he starts.
“Of course you can!” I interrupted, not concerning myself in the least with being obnoxious. I was visiting with friends.
“Maybe not all at once,” I continued. “Sometimes it takes a minute. And once you have it, you’ll obviously find a new ‘all’ to want. But there’s no reason not to have exactly what you want.”
I spoke with such conviction, he didn’t seem to know what to make of it. I could tell he liked the idea, but appeared unsure if the notion was revolutionary or delusional.
I get that reaction a lot.
I’ve found myself saying similar things lately to a number of people. You don’t have to choose. You don’t have to compromise. You can have what you want. You can have it all. And I feel people wanting to believe me, when I say such things. Their gut does believe me, even when the brain argues.
That gut knows what the brain cannot fathom.
The reason why so many people don’t have what they want has nothing to do with the potential. It has everything to do with approach. Massaging and manipulating conditions to get what you want is very hard work, usually with a very limited payoff. You can make progress sometimes, but it’s both slow and exhausting. It’s easy to lose ground; there are too many moving parts. You question and second-guess and get discouraged and doubt yourself, trying to tilt the world. The world’s answer is “try harder” and that’s not a very satisfying answer.
A whole lot of your energetic budget is expended in a back-and-forth struggle. We’re so good at identifying all the physical reality, we tend to dismiss the energy. The energy always flows first, before the real world catches up to it in form of manifested circumstances. If you want life to be easier, work with the energy instead of the physical manifestation. It’s a lot easier to move!
In fact, energy work is the ultimate shortcut. Let go of the “how” and focus on the “why.” Evoke the feelings of what you want and start riding that vibe. Look for the elements of what you’re after in your present tense life. If you want love, seek opportunities to feel love. If you want abundance, look around for that which is abundant in your life, even if it’s in a different form. The idea here is to amp up the vibration of what you want.
Line up the energy first and hold it steady as you can. Then the outer, physical world must acquiesce to your dominant vibration. Give yourself permission to test this idea, even without seeing the logic of it. Look for your inner harmony and let the rest of the world fill in around that, because it will.
[bctt tweet=”He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the Universe. -Marcus Aurelius #quotes” ]
Next Week in Tarot

Here we have “Understanding” (aka the Knight of Cups) from Osho Zen Tarot, paired with Phlox–Unanimity and Harmony–from Botanical Inspirations. The bird shown here is getting ready for flight, as the bars are dissolving. He’s realizing that cage was an illusion and he’s preparing to join the other birds in flight. The suit of Water or Cups is representative of emotional flow. This isn’t a change in circumstances we’re talking, but a change in feelings.
This is a week to tell yourself “it’s possible” without bothering about the details. It’s a week to set your intention to see what can be. Take a light-hearted approach and consider making a game of it. Show yourself with little things that the energy work is effective and those bigger things will also start to fall in line.
External factors (and other people) are not relevant here. That sorts itself if you stay out of the way. Just line up your own vibe with what you want to see and let the Universe sort the details for you.
Are you feeling it?
If you want a little help figuring it all out, give me a holler for a private consult and I’ll do my best to help you get your energy lined up.