September 8

09/09/13: Flat Flattery / Knight of Cups Rx


Reversed Knight of Cups

I’m seeing this Knight of Cups today as a playa who ain’t as smooth as he (or she) believes. Hook and line may drop, but not the sinker!

This fellow thinks he’s mapped the road to the promised land via liberally applying champagne to his campaign. But those cups are turned upside down. She may enjoy her drink, but there is not enough booze in the bottle to get Mr. Smooth Operator past second base. He just hasn’t figured it out yet.

Flattery goes flat quickly today. For your part, be honest about who you really are and what you really want. People (that count) respect you for it.

And if you’ve got a Mr. or Ms. Smooth Operator pouring it on thick in hopes of taking a shortcut to your approval, you’re safe to acknowledge it for what it is. You can finish the offered drink or not.

Just don’t doubt yourself.

How do you usually respond to flat flattery?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Knight of Cups

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