I’ve been mulling over the concept of personal responsibility in interactiosn. Its been highlighted through many different lenses as I go about my daily life and interact. Fitting, I think, considering the recent Full Moon in Libra.
On the one hand, I’m a big believer in not relying on outside confirmation in general. What people say and do is determined by how THEY look at the world, not any solid reality about you. An outside form of measurement is a poor and unreliable substitute for listening to intuitive guidance for directional cues.
Besides, allowing contentment to be conditional on the outside world is a one-way ticket to misery, right there. None of us can garner the kind of cooperation that would be needed to force the rest of world to behave! And it wouldn’t be our right to do so, even if we could.
On the other hand, I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction because I can see it operating. But putting these two ideas together creates a little conundrum.
The Law of Attraction would suggest that the all experiences have to match the personal vibration. There is no way to evade responsibility for our lives.
Here, however, I’d be quick to point out the difference between responsibility and blame.
What if there were no “blame?” What if we are all just where we are and like it or not, there is still value being delivered, a contribution to the greater whole?
I no longer assume the things I don’t like in my own world are broken, proof of shortcoming or random disaster. I guess I’ve gradually developed a different worldview… This life is a work of art. A creation to be experienced: both what we’d consider light and darkness has it’s place in ultimately making the world more than it was before.
I don’t expect anyone else to adopt this perspective. Because I try to keep my nose firmly out of other people’s perspectives. It’s up to you! But the ideas I’m talking here are definitely in line with next week’s vibe.
Next Week in Tarot

This week, I grabbed the colorful but decidedly non-traditional Osho Zen Tarot for a fresh look at what’s up. We got the King of Swords (aka Control) as the outlook, with the Nine of Pentacles (aka Ripeness) as advice.
I expect a lot of “black and white” with how people think, react and present this coming week. There’s a strong sense of polarization and unfortunately, not a lot of flexibility in this vibe. What’s more, it’s definitely got a strong whiff of holier-than-thou about it.
“Control” isn’t just a keyword here. It’s the intention of many right now. If you’re not on board, they may try to push you off the boat! That’s the bad news.
The good news is, you don’t have to be a player in this silliness!
Our advice is “Ripeness.” Ripeness is letting things take their natural course, letting life do it’s thing. Focusing on harvesting your own fruit when it’s ready, without worry about the schedule factor or bothering about how anybody else is tending garden. I’m suggesting an inward focus, (although to be fair, I usually do suggest this). But the cards are backing me up here.
When there’s a heavy flavor of control in the wild, you’ve got three choices.
- Be one of the controllers.
- Be one of the controlled. (This option includes fighting back the controllers, by the way, because it’s still running your show even if you’re not doing what they want, you.)
- Ignore it altogether and do your own thing.
See why I’m voting for the latter here?
Here’s hoping your own week is peaceful and your enjoy your own (ripe) fruit.
p.s. If you want a personal consult, give me a holler.