August 31

08/31/12: Chores | King of Swords



Man, we’re having a run on Swords lately, huh?

What’s dragging you down? What interferes? Energy vampires? Time suckers? Lack of focus? What is in your life that does NOT contribute to your happiness, well-being, or service to the world? What creates waste, irrationality, what is not helpful or wise?

Because the King does not approve!

Today, I’m seeing him as admonishing to get focused, get on task. Make your lists, craft a plan, and start already! If you don’t think you have the time or energy to achieve, he has advice: drop the unessential. Lose the dead weight and you’ll be surprised, how high you can fly.

Okay, Sire. I hear you. I’m getting busy on my list!

Do you have some King of Swords chores to attend to?

Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck
by Bill Greer & Lloyd Morgan

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King of Swords, Morgan-Greer

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  1. Yep, right on target this morning, Dixie! Thanks for the reminder to focus on what I DO want, and not what I’d like to leave behind and be done with!
    Time to get off my duff, and take action.

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