January 5

King of Wands & Page of Swords: Process vs. Event


Has the last week been weird for you? 

I’m feeling the weird.

Not that I equate “weird” with “bad” necessarily, in any context. I’d be a self-hating pink-haired hippie chick otherwise!

But you know. Weird is what it is. Weird.

Sort of like seeing the world through different glasses. Revisiting intense memories, but perceiving them from a much different vantage point. Re-writing a story in the narrator’s voice, long after having lived it once as one of the characters.

This “weird” is more a shift of perspective than actual circumstance.

If this is where you are: just let it roll through. Let the realizations click into place as the process unfolds. What else can you realistically do with it,  after all? In the end, you’ll come out with a different (read: broader) perspective. A more complete perspective is always a good thing.

And of course, this vibe is utterly in line with next week’s Tarot forecast. Go figure…

Next Week in the Cards

This week’s outlook is the King of Wands, with advice from the Page of Swords–both from the delightfully colorful Crystal Visions Tarot deck.

I’m expecting the coming week to be well-punctuated with grand (grandiose?) and dramatic gestures, intended to come across as bold and decisive. Final, even. Big moves! The King of Wands has a flair for this sort of performance–he’s King of the Fire suit, after all. He means what he does here. While he isn’t particularly prone to lying, actions definitely speak louder than words with this guy. What people DO will largely tell their stories next week, much more so than what they say. Be aware of this dynamic not only for others, but also when looking in the mirror.

The advice for us is coming from a Page, so I probably wouldn’t join team “Dramatic Gesture” just yet. Pages are the beginning, the seed of creation as opposed to the final iteration. A page will have a more cautious approach than a King and in the suit of Swords, it’s going to be a well thought out approach as well.

Get your ideas and understanding clear, first and foremost. Examine the underlying structure of any situations you wish to influence. More importantly, understand how your own thinking impacts conclusions. This page would encourage a degree of emotional detachment for clarity. You may end up making an agreement–this Page sometimes announces specific contracts or agreements–and if you do, whether  verbal or written, be sure you honor whatever you agree upon. Stay true to your word.

Basically, next week some will be some trying to skip right to the end of the book and act it out. There is a desire for putting issues to bed. Don’t be surprised to see dramatic action intended to resolve something “once and for all.” There will be attempts to orchestrate events, essentially, in a desire to resolve something or other.

I’m suggesting you take a different tack: lean into the processes and reach for clarity instead of “hail Mary” type plays. Look to stabilize yourself in the context of the greater picture and allow your thoughts to clear. Negotiate if needed and take a step back from the urge to make things happen immediately. Instead of looking big picture, reach for the next, most sensible step.

Be process-oriented and let the final events sort themselves on their own schedule. They will, just like they always do.

Are you feeling the weird? How you doing with it?

If you’d like a personal consult on all your “weird,” get in touch to schedule some one-on-one time with me.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Crystal Visions Tarot, King of Wands, Page of Swords

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