October 5

King of Swords and Four of Swords: Cutting Ties and Taking a Breather


I suspect many of us have recently made the call to cut something out of our lives. I certainly have.

Maybe it was a person or a situation, or perhaps it was more abstract, like a mindset or a belief. Whatever it was, the cards for the upcoming week suggest that this decision was the right one.

Next Week in the Cards

The cards pictured are from the ever-familiar Radiant Rider Waite mini deck. (Note to self: really need to mix it up with some of my other decks for variety soon!)

Outlook: King of Swords

Our outlook is represented by the ever-decisive, ever-practical King of Swords. This guy doesn’t mess around. He makes the necessary cuts with logic and clarity, sticking to what’s aligned with long-term goals and desires. It’s not a hasty decision, but a thoughtful, calculated one. If you’ve made a tough call lately, trust that it was for the greater good—even if it wasn’t easy.

Advice: Four of Swords

The advice for the week comes from the Four of Swords, a card that offers a much-needed breather. One thing that stands out with this card is that the rest is temporary—it’s not an “all done” sign. Tarot fours mark a pause in the cycle, not the end of it. So, while you’ve got space to exhale and regroup, don’t think the journey is completely over. This is just a chance to recuperate.

The Power of Pruning

When we prune something from our lives—whether it’s a habit, a person, or even an internal narrative—it takes time for the full impact to be visible. Just like with plants, the future growth shifts after the pruning is done. The same is true here.

For now, know that what you’ve done is enough. More will unfold in its own time, but for the moment, take that well-deserved breather and let things play out.

Self-reflection: What have you cut from your life recently, and how can you allow yourself the space to rest and heal from that decision?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Four of Swords, King of Swords, Radiant Rider Waite

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