There’s still an edge in the (energetic) weather out there. I assume you’ve noticed? Many people are wrought up and many are angry or scared.
I mean, that doesn’t mean you have to be upset yourself. It’s certainly okay if you are. I’m not going to judge you! But whenever you can find ways to soften it up, feel a little better, it’s good to do that. It’s a kindness to yourself and it can encourage others within your sphere of influence. So it’s public service as well. Har!
The world is changing and disruption is always part of evolution. It doesn’t mean it’s necessary to be stuck in it.
You know what really helped me? I gave myself permission not to feel like I’m on the hook for deciding how best to solve every problem.
It sounds kind of ridiculous when I put it that way. But we do that, to ourselves. We feel like we must generate an informed opinion on the rightness and wrongness of what everyone in the world does. We think we have to be for or against every idea about how to live or rule our world. We feel like we must be personally responsible for making sure everyone’s needs are met and the world is running smoothly. So often, we feel like we must understand everything and most of all, DO SOMETHING.
I gave myself permission to pick and choose, how I want to focus my own energy. It’s enough to wish well out unto the world without holding myself individually responsible for the entire execution. I can send out my good wishes, kind thoughts, magic mojo and prayers out there for the betterment of all. And best of all, I don’t have to figure out how those intentions come about. I have faith I’ll get to be part of it, in all the ways I’m inspired to participate. But even from the start, I am participating by holding and amplifying the good vibes. I love that job.
Next Week in Tarot
This week, the outlook card is the King of Pentacles, with advice coming in as the Five of Wands reversed from the colorful Star Tarot.
I want to tell you there is enough, of everything–enough food, enough time, enough love, enough money. The King of Pentacles always has enough and then some. But even more than that? There is enough room for all of us. You don’t need to fight. I mean, you can. I’m certainly not going to try and stop anybody, or I’d be fighting, too. But it’s not necessary.
I’m hearing The Who in my head.
“I don’t need to fight, to prove I’m right. I don’t need to be forgiven…”
You know what? You don’t. None of us do. Of course, if we claim that freedom for ourselves, we have to extend it to others. That’s only fair, right?
This week–appreciate all the food on your table, literally and metaphorically. Expect to have what you need. Expect others to find what they need. Exercise your faith. Circumnavigate as much of the conflict as you can. Use your own conscious focus to It will make for a much more comfortable (and satisfying) week.
Be well, friends.
p.s. If you want a one-on-one to get yourself back on track, give me a holler.