I remember the week before school would start every year. It was one of my favorite parts of the summer, oddly enough. Getting all those school supplies lined up, marked with my name. Virgin paints, new crayons, colored pencils. Paper and pencil holders and notebooks, each so full of possibilities.
Yes, I like office supplies.
But this week? It reminds me a little of this. We’re starting off a new year. And whether you loved 2015 or could not wait to kick it to the curb, fresh starts can be helpful. We’ve got clean notebooks and fresh pens. Let’s write in some good stuff, shall we?
To start the new year off with a little bit of fun, I thought I would use the lovely Housewives Tarot. I haven’t had this deck out the while, and I really do enjoy it. So let’s see what the ladies have to say.

We have a lot of Pentacles and a lot of Cups this week. So what you’re doing, real-world manifestations are important, all while tracking your emotional flow. It looks like some time of organizing and reprioritizing. A great week to be working on your planner for the year!
Also notice the Eights we have to begin the week? Routine and schedule gets along very well with Tarot Eights. Build some continuity into your week and maintain a routine if you can. It will help.
Basically, we’re looking to find our groove this week. Think of it as the year’s keynote speech, looking to set the tone.
Monday, Eight of Pentacles: Just keep focused on your work, and do the best you can. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary demanding attention. Just do your job. That’s all you need to do today.
Tuesday, Eight of Cups: Tuesday is a little trickier. There’s a potential to be overstimulated, hopped up like you’ve had too many lattes. Decide what’s worth your energy and what’s not a good use of your vital life force. You can pick what you take in here, metaphorically consume. Just eat the tasty bits. And lay off the coffee! Also? Mercury retrograde official, settling in.
Wednesday, Seven of Pentacles reversed: A great day to consider what fits into your long-term plans and what does not. Everything is up for reevaluation. Mercury will force review if you don’t volunteer for the job first. Some adjustments to be made, but they are ultimately useful. It’s instructive (if sometimes annoying) to see what needs to be realigned.
Thursday, Page of Cups reversed: Possibility of mood swings or childish outbursts. If some of the sloshes on you, realize it’s not about you–as if it ever is. As far as dealing with it, I distinctly advise against feeling sorry for yourself; just keep moving along. These are not the mood swings we are looking for, oh Jedi Grasshopper.
Friday, Nine of Pentacles: A good day for detail work, cleaning up, getting things in order to finish off the work week prepped and ready to go next week. Focus looks good, coupled with a solid attention span. Another day to do your job! Go forth and kick some ass.
Saturday, Temperance: Here you can take those little lists you compiled through the week (be they mental or literal) and prioritize them according to your master list. What do you really want? The week is largely been about details in small things. Saturday, you look at the bigger picture, and how everything fits together. Compromises can be achieved today. Or integrating lessons from the week. A good day for reflection.
Sunday, Magician reversed: Matters may arise that are now out of your hands. Know that the situation is basically stable, even if you have some anxiety over it. So don’t rush to judgment: don’t declare winners or losers. Just keep communicating, keep doing your thing.
Overview/Advice, Six of Cups reversed: Throughout the week in all decisions involving others, ask “What’s in it for them?” I’m not saying someone is trying to snow ya here. Just that the information is relevant.
Affirmation: Why does my saying ‘no’ to it means saying ‘yes’ to it? Now this is a law of attraction idea, whenever you give your emotional energy to becomes included in your life. But even if you’re not thinking all law of attraction, it makes sense. If you constantly think about a certain topic it becomes part of your experience, whether it happens in the physical sense, or just vividly trollops through your imagination on loop.
You know the phrase, “I should charge them rent for living in my head?” It’s the same idea.
This week gives us opportunities to direct our day-to-day experience. More forcefully, by choosing what we want in it. By choosing the people and the emotions and the activities, that we want and deliver attention to, we are steering the boat.
[bctt tweet=”Extra Attention = A vote for that flavor of experience. “]
When you find yourself aware of what you’re thinking about, that can become an opportunity to cast another vote. Sometimes people will say, “vote with your feet.” I’m saying, vote with your head!
Remember – this is the year’s keynote speech. Stay on topic and on schedule. Ha!
Are you falling into the flow?
If you liked this forecast, you’d probably like my book, Everyday Tarot Archives. Or else get a personal consult here. I’d love to hook you up.

I absolutely LOVE office supplies and can spend hours and hours in a stationery store. They were one of my favorite haunts in NYC on my lunch hours, especially the old, dusty, non-chain stores. The new year really is a lot like that end of August back-to-school rush I used to get. Great metaphor.
I haven’t heard the thing about charging them rent, but it’s a doozey. Love it!
Happy New Year, Dixie. I still think you’re the greatest. xo
Office supplies are the BEST. I love them! And thanks for the kind words, CJ. Always appreciated. I think you rock, too!
Great big giant smile! xo
Love your insight, as always.
Thank you so much, Nicole! ♥
That photo is hypnotically beautiful…
As it so happens, I was gazing at really cool office supplies at the mecca of all office supplies store on Jan. 2. Still pondering the (clearance) folder box made of shiny wire daisies.
Happy New Year Dixie!
Ah, office supplies….have a lovely New Year yourself, Ms. sofie! ♥