I’ve noticed a rather infuriating phenomena: when I get an all-but-overwhelming urge to set somebody straight, if I step back and take a deep breath, I realize that doing so would generally make me guilty of exactly whatever I’m fired up to criticize.
I usually manage to catch myself, which is good! Hypocrisy is not a good look. I can’t very well go on saying “it all starts and ends in the mirror” day and and day out without holding myself to the same standard, after all.
I don’t think it’s just me, either. If you’re emotionally distanced enough from the topic of a debate, you can observe this dynamic over and over again. It difficult to spot where you have heavy emotional investment. But try observing debates on issues where you have some detachment and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.
Damn you, Law of Attraction!
Next week? I wouldn’t try to set the world right. Instead, I’d suggest personifying the reality you want to propagate.
I advocate for this “live it” approach a lot, I know. And I know not everyone agrees with me on that. So be it! As far as I’m concerned, the only way to claim your own power consistently and fully is in the choice of who you want to be. That’s all I see anybody has control over or rights too, anyway.
Maybe you’ll want to consider the idea, anyway. Next week will offer ample opportunity.
Next Week in the Cards
Forecast for this week is Justice–advice is the Knight of Swords. The cards pictured are from the Star Tarot deck.
Choices have consequences. I expect we’ll notice consequences (including the unintended kind) becoming more and more evident as the week rolls on. Bills are starting to come up for the decisions made up to this point.
So what to do individually in such an environment? The Knight of Swords advises clarity, behaving without hesitation in strict accordance with your own standards. He practices what he preaches and it he does so without hedging or excuses.
In short, he isn’t an “ends justify the means” kind of guy. In fact, this Knight is NOT all about the feelings. He favors reason, science, intellectual clarity and equality in all his dealings. If he has one standard for those he agrees with, then he is careful to apply the same standard to those he finds less enchanting. He’s nothing if not consistently fair.
It would be a very good time to make sure you’re clear about your principles and make even more sure you’re living up to them personally.
Make your actions match your words and spend your energy MOVING toward the world you want (as opposed to trying to herd others away from the world you don’t want). This may sound like semantics, but in practice it’s as different as night and day. You can either obsess over all you find wrong, or you can leave it in the dust as you move forward.
I’m moving forward. What you do, my friends, is always your call.
If you’d like to up your own clarity quotient, give me a holler for a private session. We’ll work it out together.