I like this interpretation of Justice from the Psychic Tarot Oracle, because besides just being beautiful, it shows an message I often use in readings with this card: balance! Here, the perfection is embodied in an angel hovering in the heavens, surrounded by a perfect circle. His power is punctuated with implements of the four suits: wands, pentacles, cups and swords. He’s in perfect alignment with each of the natural elemental forces, feeding into his Spirit, what some call the fifth element.
If you do any serious magic work, the concept of balance is fundamental. And not balance in the craft, not balance in spells, but balance within YOURSELF, as an individual. Spiritual balance, emotional balance, physical balance is required for you to remain both protected in working with energy and at optimally effective.
We want life’s candy, but not the veggies. We’d like an order of serenity, hold the meditation. We’d love to radiate all love-and-light outside, but ignore our shadowy interior. We want the winnings without the work.
It’s human nature to adore flowers but curse the storms that nourish them into blooming. Both the storms and the sun are needed for healthy growth.
When we fall too far out of balance, we begin to have problems. We can be upset about this, but really it’s a gift. It’s our spiritual GPS directing with emphasis, make a turn here! Destination lesson ahead! Ignore it at your own peril.
If you’re willing to see the good in everything before you (or dig down deep enough to find it), if you’re willing to take the lumps with the smooth parts and make equal use of both, you’ll fare well. Otherwise? Well, losing balance can lead to some nasty spills. Your choice.
Are you feeling in balance?
![]() | The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet! by John Holland |
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