February 3

02/04/13: Apples to Apples / Justice



Well, Hell.

I’m definitely seeing a trend ‘round here lately. How about you?

We’ve had an admonition to keep our noses clean in “No Favors,” a reminder about the kind of judgment to exercise in “Just Right Judgment,” and got hit with emotional fallout for “Slow Leaks.” It’s enough to make a gal worry just a little.

This version of Justice from the tiny Tarot Nova is friendly enough. I love the “Apples to Oranges” reminder here—make sure what your comparing is comparable. Looking at the theme that pretty much smacks me in the face from the latest run of cards, I’d say everybody would be best served by staying even-handed and steady right now.

Don’t get all hot to pull the trigger finger on ANYTHING! Weigh it out, make sure you’re making solid, fair comparison. Take your time and do it right the first time, or you may have a really hard time cleaning up the aftermath.

Duly warned, okay? Stay balanced, grounded and fair in all your dealings and the end result will work out much better.

Do you have use for this advice?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

Feeling off balance? Call Dixie.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Justice, Tarot Nova

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  1. I don’t get here everyday, because of my weird work schedule, but I have to say, Mz. Dixie, that you are spot on with this. We’ve got a situation here that cries for justice, but we have to sit down, shut up, and let things take their course. It’s not easy, but it helps to know we are handling it the way it needs to be handled. LOVE!

  2. (off topic but I am insanely excited!!!)


    I immediately went out and got some potting soil, but I have them softening up in water first.

    I will keep you posted on their progress (but don’t hold your breath, they are a slow germinator, this I know)…


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