With Judgment paired with “Positive Influences,” your best best today is going to be the liberal exercise of sound judgment. We’re talking the kind of judgement that requires a step back, mentally assigning both credit and debit as appropriate, and taking that balance into full account when making decisions. It’s the emotional component that trips people up at times, attachment to one conclusion or another.
People tend to behave consistently over time—character doesn’t flux much, although individuals under individual stress may act out anywhere along the high or low range of their own morality continuum. We may be overly generous attributing motivations to others, or perhaps to ourselves. We may be overly suspicious, again towards self or others. This is the day you don’t want to give away the farm either way. Instead, look to be even-handed and make reasonable assumptions based on what has come before. That will give you accurate direction.
You have use for the energy of Judgment?
Schedule a session with Dixie.