May 14

Judgement: Perspective and Priority


I’ve been doing a lot of evaluation of late–life sometimes has a way of turning the kaleidoscope around making everything look different. What seemed very important a few months ago isn’t anymore. Other areas I’ve given little to no thought to are becoming loud. It feels like a vital (if sometimes disorienting) process. so I’m not fighting it.

Life is easier if you don’t fight it, after all. What doesn’t really matter seems as if it’s being stripped away. It leaves int he wake what does really matter. I can work with that.

I am expecting this kind of process to be moving along (slowly perhaps, but notably) for many during the next week.

Next Week in Tarot

Outlook this week is Judgement, with advice of the Ace of Cups. Cards pictured from the Star Tarot Deck.

I find it slightly ironic that I so seldom read Judgement as indicative of passing judgement, at least in the sense we usually think of when using the word “judgment.” It’s just that this card hardly ever speaks to me in that way.

Instead, Judgment in my card-slinging usually heralds or recommends utilizing emotional distance required to evaluate what has worked out well and what has not. More importantly, the “why” part will not only become clearer. Understanding that bit is beyond instructive and can help us understand ourselves as well as the situations in question better.

Advice in the form of the Ace of Cups is pretty simple to follow, really: clarify feelings. Listen to your heart. Process it all not just rationally but especially emotionally, one small step at a time. Allow yourself the necessary space to absorb information. It won’t happen all at once. It’s the first step of a process and you’ll almost certainly become aware of feelings before you understand whatever is behind the feelings.

Pay attention to those feelings during this process, by the way. So often, we try to explain away emotions we don’t immediately understand. We minimize the pesky ones or try to pep-talk ourselves out of the uncomfortable ones without always making the effort to uncover what’s underneath.

Ignoring the feelings here would be a mistake. Plans, priorities and best options will shift according to how we look at it and we can prioritize what we most care about if we allow ourselves the space to process the little feelings that show up instead of shoving all that emotional business right under the rug.

Next week, expect clarity to gradually increase. Don’t take a “who was right and who was wrong” orientation. Instead, look at it like an experiment with the results starting to roll in.

One step at a time, allow space to feel, process and understand.  Look at what’s working well and where there could be improvement. This will give you the vision you need to navigate effectively.

Through it all, be as compassionate with yourself as you would for any loved one. Do this, and you won’t go far wrong.

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Ace of Cups, Judgement, Star Tarot

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