December 22

Judgement & Nine of Wands: Prepping for Fresh Starts


Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice, and Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate! As we wind up 2018, I’m feeling excited about the fresh start and renewed optimism a new year implies. Wrapping up this year’s energy is naturally part of that mix.

I’ve been getting pings lately to rush less and allow things to unfold at their natural pace. The rushing itself and interpreting my progress as insufficient is the issue, not the actual pace. In fact, what I’m hearing here is that things will actually progress more quickly and smoothly if I drop the angst factor.

Of course, I’m sure I’m the only one who does that. HAHAHA! –Tarot reader joke.

Another tidbit from the 2019 Look-Ahead Zodiac reading themes: let other people have their own processes, while you have yours. Don’t contort your behavior to fit into someone else’s ideal or to garner approval. It’s not sustainable. Likewise, don’t try to enact solutions for other people’s worries. Let them have their path, while you have yours. The biggest support you can give anyone is believing in their ability to navigate their own life. This helps shore them up a million times better than any “fixing” you can do.

This all flows very nicely into what Tarot has to say here.

Next Week In Tarot

We’ve got Judgement as the outlook, with the Nine of Wands coming in for advice from the Star Tarot. I followed up with a draw from the Botanical Inspirations deck, and we got a lovely Gerber Daisy.

I always think of Judgement as a path to clarity. Ironically, I usually read this card as being decidedly “non-judgemental” in the sense of not assigning blame. It’s more of an observational thing, where what has been planted is bearing fruit and you can determine what works and what does not. This isn’t so much about right or wrong as it is informational. All information is good information, you know?

The same theme is echoed in the advice we’re getting with the Nine of Wands. This version features the black and white wolves–what we would consider shadow and light. We couldn’t see light without shadow. It’s all part of the same whole. While there is an inevitable sense of being tired with this card, it also lets us know that standing your ground is indeed possible and that the situation(s) it refers to are close to being resolved. Tarot Nines are indicative of nearing the end of a cycle. So let that knowledge shore you up!

Finally, we’ve got our lovely Daisies, standing for “purity, cheerfulness & innocence.” It’s a powerful attitude, and one I try to embody as much as I can manage.

Don’t be quick to judge yourself (or anyone else) as “good” or “bad” this week. People are where they are, and that includes YOU! I’ve found I am most likely to look upon others as lacking when I’m feeling that way about myself and I can’t be the only one. Moreover, what looks “bad” at first glance can really lead to wonderful improvements in the big picture.

Let other people do what they do and wish them as well as you can as they do it, regardless of whether or not you’d approve. Keep steadfast to what rings true to your heart of course. And always, expect things to work out. Good and bad are in the eye of the beholder, you know?

Are you prepping for a fresh start?

p.s. Last call for the 2019 Zodiac Year-Ahead readings! If you want an overview of what to expect next year in audio format (with a keep-able mp3) and pictures of your cards to guide your upcoming year, just shoot me $50 on Paypal and I’ll put you on the list. I’m doing pretty well with staying caught up, so there’s not a long wait.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Botanical Inspirations, Daisy, Judgment, Nine of Wands, Star Tarot

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