December 30

Judgement & Eight of Swords: Honestly You


I work online. so the vast majority of what I do is in public, basically. That means I get criticized on a fairly regular basis. We’re talking the internet for God’s sakes! My words reach enough people at this point, it’s physically impossible not to anger, offend, disgust or somehow bother somebody on a regular basis. This morning, I got three hits.

Not trolling for sympathy. That’s just how it is. And I’m okay with it.

The first few times, I did struggle. I cried. I second-guessed and doubted myself. But eventually, I came to realize what someone else says is not about me. Whether or not the words might be considered objectively “right” doesn’t matter. I have no control over how the energy I put out is received. Ever, ever-ever. And neither do you.

[bctt tweet=”Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. –Aristotle #quotes” username=”goddess_dix”]

I’ve come to see “knowing myself” not so much as a function of self-honesty, although self-honesty is awesome. To me, knowing myself is about looking inside for those touchstones instead of looking to other people. We spend so much of our lives hoping others will validate and reassure us, we are worthy. When we feel driven to seek outside affirmation, it’s the first clue we’re not feeling it internally. That creates a void that no one else can fill for very long. It’s like a drug that wears off quickly. You always need another hit.

I mean, it’s absolutely lovely when you’ve got people around who uplift. I don’t want to suggest that’s not a helpful and wonderful gift. But if you aren’t close to that realization on your own, whatever comes from outside won’t stick. How you feel about yourself most often is what’s most credible to you. You know? If you’re not somewhere in the neighborhood of a particular conclusion, talky-talk is not going to put you there.

Knowing yourself, feeling your worth, finding your true voice is by nature an inside job. It can be no other way. And at the fresh start of a fresh new year, that’s the job to focus on right now.

Next Week in Tarot

Here, we’ve got Call (Judgement) for the outlook, with the Eight of Air (Eight of Swords) from The Good Tarot. Our Botanical Inspirations messenger is the White Rose, symbolizing new starts and wisdom. Happy 2019, folks!

I usually read Judgement as speaking to clarity, seeing the whole of a situation without blaming or rancor. A rather dispassionate type of assessment. Here, as “Call,” the deck book suggests stepping into your own truth, the call to your authentic voice.

The Eight of Swords is about releasing illusion and allowing yourself to see the truth. In this deck, letting go of falsehoods is emphasized. You tell the difference not by the numbers of people who agree with you, but by what rings true in your heart.

By following through with the call to release what isn’t genuinely part of your truth, you get the gift of the White Rose: a fresh start and wisdom.

I would suggest this week, seek what’s personally important with the intention to obtain your insight from within. Do a gut check first, without considering what others say is right or wrong. Let your intentions and feelings guide you in living authentically. Nothing else can do that, effectively and in concert with who you really are.

Make your fresh start about being as true to your self, your soul, as you can. Know who you are. Be who you are. And let everybody else be who they are. We don’t have to understand or agree with anyone else. We just have to do it for ourselves.

I already have a life to live. One, but it’s quite enough to manage! I aim to just live it the best I can. It’s sure a lot easier than trying to please the rest of the world!

Want a private session? Give me a holler and I’ll get you set up. 

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Eight of Swords, Good Tarot, Judgment, Roses

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  1. I don’t know how you do it. I don’t so much care if they passively hate me, but I’ve been actively persecuted and someone tried to get me fired because they hated me so much. I just can’t get over that fear that I make someone so angry they want to annihilate me. I can’t just be all “haters gonna hate” when haters have been trying to ruin my career and life and partially succeeding (my career has taken a drastic hit due to those people). I try to hide as hard as I can these days. I just can’t get over that fear.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear this, Jennifer! I’m never going to judge you or anyone else for having whatever feelings are there. And it’s not that I never get upset. I just don’t ride it any longer than I can help at this point. It’s true that sometimes what other people do will have an impact. I just came to the conclusion that no matter what the apparent impact, the more emotional energy I give to the haters, the more a part of my life they are and the more power they have over me. You know what I mean? Yes, someone can try to cause harm and to some extent, they may even have some success. But my piece of mind, my faith that my life is working out, my intuitive connection and my basic sense of being centered, that options will open up to me, that all problems are solvable, etc….these are not within anyone else’s direct control. It’s much easier to dismiss strangers on the internet than people that are in your daily experience but either way, I believe the biggest source of power is internal and that’s not something anyone else can steal from us. I hope things improve for you soon. ♥

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