October 25

10/25/11: Rocky Trip | Rev. Six of Swords



“I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” –Carl Sandburg

Today’s Tarot is the reversed Six of Swords or Lord of Earned Success, associated with Mercury in Aquarius. Like all the Tarot sixes,it’s a cooperative effort represented. The demeanor of the woman, huddled up next to her son and sitting behind a stash of swords, suggests a very difficult journey. But is IS a journey—with the help of the rower, they are going to a better place.  And this is the crux of the Six of Swords’ message.

8_of_CupsThis card bears similarities to the Eight of Cups, but unlike the Eight, which is usually a conscious choice to emotionally detach, the losses implied in the Six of Swords may be from outer circumstance or due to unconscious choices.

The Eight of Cups is about leaving an old life. The Six of Swords is focused on approaching a new one. It’s more a trial by fire, enduring what you must in order to keep moving forward.

Inverted, you may be avoiding the necessary action to move forward, or perhaps the journey is nearing it’s end. Maybe it was easier than you anticipated. It could be, if you stay on task and don’t avoid your work.

The inverted Six of Sword reminds me that all difficult transitions end. As you let go of what is gone, you can move forward to what’s next.

How’s your trip?

Tarot of the New Vision (English/Spanish)
by Lo Scarabeo

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Mercury in Aquarius, New Vision Tarot, Six of Swords, Six of Swords Reversed, Tarot Sixes

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  1. Well..it’s foggy. LOL. But, I’m enjoying the ride. I am, however, contemplating pushing the rower overboard and steering myself. But, I’m wondering if he might know more about the destination than me so–I’ll let him be for the time being.

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