The amount of energy most adults spend criticizing themselves–for something, anything, everything!–it absolutely stunning. Usually when things aren’t going as we want, when being kind to ourselves could offer salve for battered feelings, we start in on the “why’s” and good chance, we’re gonna blame the face in the mirror for doing something wrong.
Not successful enough. Not thin enough. Not spiritual enough. Not smart enough. Not dedicated enough. Not kind enough. Not efficient enough. Not busy enough. Not organized enough. Not a good enough parent.
Not enough, not enough, not enough.
You ever notice how little kids don’t do that? Babies aren’t born into bodies, feeling “not enough.” Which means it would have to be something we pick up along the trip. Feeling Not-Enough isn’t something that’s part of who we inherently are.
I suspect the absence of self-criticism has a lot to do with why small children are usually so tuned in–and why it can be so refreshing and healing to soak up that energy. Babies don’t criticize themselves. And they don’t criticize you. They just are, you know?
You’re at where you’re at. You can find fault with it–and you, for being there. Or you can just be there, and look at ways to make wherever you’re at, better. More like how you want it. More comfortable. More fun. Easier. Softer. Smoother. More peaceful. More joyful.
[bctt tweet=”Just focus on the next, best step from where you are. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]
Video Transcript
Hey. This is Dixie from A Fool’s Journey dot com. I’m going to bring in the, the vibe of the moment to you, what’s on my radar for you to kinda get a clue about what maybe to expect this week.
So hang on.
I got the eight of pentacles. The eight of pentacles. This is Virgo. Basically, this is just keep working it out. You’ve got what you need. You have the skills. You’re refining the skills. Okay? It’s just do a little. Do a little. Do a little.
Look at it and see where it needs to be adjusted. So this is a pretty comfortable vibe to me. Of course, I’m a Virgo, so, you know. I get that.
Don’t look at the whole, like, what has to be done, the big picture, blah blah blah. Just, you’re chunking it out. Like, a little bit at a time. Just like, this item on the list, and this item on the list, and this item on the list.
Just a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. And trust that all of these little additions are gonna add up to what you need to do.
Do your thing, and then, kind of evaluate. And say, okay, well, I can improve this a little bit. What can I do a little better? How can I put this a little better? And look for incremental, gradual improvements. That’s what’s gonna get you where you want to go. Okay?
I hope that’s helpful to you! And I hope you go out there and have a great week! Take care, peace out from the Goddess. Ommmmmmmmm. Bye bye.
[Outtakes] Virgo, Virgo, Virgo, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
This week’s forecasts features the Gilded Tarot. If you like these forecast, check out Dixie’s Everyday Tarot Book, or give a holler about a private consult. And be well!