I am not a huge fan of The Tower for an overview/advice card! However, you get what you get, you know? Look at these cards as a whole, I am inclined to say to stay fully present in the moment, best you can.
Saturday, Career – The Hermit: A day off will be good for your work mojo. If you do have something to accomplish, best to withdraw and do it alone. Possible follow-up could be a rewarding, relaxing self-indulgence. Naptime in your future? A good meal, an evening of relaxing, or the coveted luxurious bath are all good options. Also: Be super in touch with yourself, how you feel, what your personal triggers are all about, and the state of your own psyche. This knowledge can come in handy.
Sunday, Romance – Page of Wands: An outing with your sweetie should fill the bill nicely! But even if you don’t go anywhere, doing something together is a win. If you don’t have a sweetie right now? Well, get out and about, be active and DO something anyway. It’s good for your heart to move.
Overview/Advice – The Tower: Geez, really Tarot? Okay, okay. With the Tower as overview, it looks like an intense weekend even without harsh dailies. Something coming apart at the seams over the course of the weekend? Because if it is, it was destined to do so. Acceptance, flexibility, and picking up the pieces are what we’ve got to work with. You know how to do that, right?
Affirmation: I am a vibration begin in a vibrational environment. What we feel is not always about OUTSIDE events or other people’s behavior. In fact, by and large, it almost never is. How we feel, what we focus on, the referential framework though which we view our world, makes ALL the difference here. Maybe you cannot “fix” everything in your life this very minute. I can’t, so I hear you.
But can you improve how you feel about it? Can you raise your vibration, just a little? Can you bring a little more love, and little more joy, a little more appreciation, even it’s a tiny bit, into where you are at right this second?
Because I promise you, if you can do that, even just a little bit, you will feel better and your prospects will brighten immediately. So that’s your mission, should you choose to accept it! Improve the vibration surrounding YOU, just a little bit, just for now.
How’s your weekend looking?

Schedule a session with Dixie.